Page 12 of Monster's Hunt

“It’s time to stop, little omega. You’re tired, and it’s not safe for you to travel when you can’t see.”

De’drik’s quiet rumble still did things to me I wasn’t sure I wanted to acknowledge, so I ignored the way my nipples pinched and the wetness that pooled between my thighs. I was sure he could scent my arousal, but he’d been polite enough not to mention it, just as I’d forced myself not to stare at his. It was just our biology.


Swallowing, I squeezed my eyes shut as I nodded.

“You’re right. I’m sorry I’m taking up so much of your time.”

Soft fur tickled along my cheek before warm flesh cupped it, tilting my head back as my eyelids jerked open. De’drik loomed over me, his torso twice as wide as my shoulders, but it wasn’t fear that spiked in my belly.

My lips parted on a gasp, his violets and fresh rain scent coating my mouth as my womb gave a violent spasm. If it wasn’t out of season, I’d have worried that my heat had come, but there wasn’t anything for me to blame this on.

My body wanted him.

It was a fight not to look down at the erection that he always seemed to have. I was half convinced monsters just stayed that way, except there had been a few times when he’d been distracted by Wulf when it had deflated and hung heavy along his thigh.

I almost wished he would make a move and take the option of ignoring our attraction out of my hands. Ever since he’d told me about his clan and the human omegas bonded to his clanmates, my curiosity had grown. Despite the intimidating size of him, he was apparently compatible with a human.

Biting my lip, I barely held back a whimper, grabbing hold of my worry as a shield. It was Midsummer’s Day, and my family had planned to stay past the new governor’s ceremony, but I didn’t know how long. If they made it home before I did and found me gone, I couldn’t even imagine what the punishment would be.

Only that fear kept me from throwing myself against the alpha in front of me and begging him to show me what those new sensations in my core were.

Chapter Nine


The scent of her almost had me dropping to my knees right there on the forest floor. It was thick and heady, sweet with the promise of slick, and made my mouth water. If I’d been a little less disgusted about taking an unwilling mate, I’d have tossed her over my shoulder and run for the mountains right then.

“Do not apologize. It is an alpha’s job to care for an omega and be sure they’re safe, And I have all the time I want.”

I brushed my thumb along her cheekbone before forcing myself to pull away and drop my hand. She was taking my form well for a human, but that didn’t mean she’d want me touching her.

Looking round, I tried to see if there was a better place to make camp or if we should just make a fire where we were. I preferred having a cave or hollow to sleep in, and I didn’t want to be caught in the open if another storm came, but I didn’t have many options.

Deciding the clump of trees ahead looked like the best place, I led the way down a sloping hill to the little thicket.

“We will camp here for the night and move on at dawn.”

Ivy’s brow dipped but she nodded, and I swung off my pack to pull out the skins for her to use as bedding. By the time the night was through they would be so saturated with her scent I didn’t think I’d be able to wash it out, and I wasn’t sure I’d want to, but I turned my mind away from that.

Gathering fallen branches for a fire, I set them up and lit them with the special stones from my pouch, but Ivy remained standing where I’d left her at the edge of the thicket.

“It’s close to sunset. You should rest, and I need to hunt. The fire should keep you safe until my return.”

Ivy had been scanning our surrounds, but she turned to look at me when I spoke. The fading sunlight peeked through the trees behind her, giving her a halo, while leaving her face shadowed.

“I don’t understand how we didn’t reach Barcole today. I’d only gone out for a walk yesterday morning. I walked until after noon, but I couldn’t have gone that far.”

My eyes narrowed as she trailed off, wondering if she was trying to accuse me of leading her astray, but she could see the mountains as well as I could before it grew too dark, and we’d kept them on our right once we had walked far enough into the trees to think we’d run into the village.

Shrugging, I told myself it was only right for her to be suspicious.

“My stride is longer than yours, so I can cover more ground, and I was running while I carried you. We’re near where I found you, so your home can’t be too much farther, but we won’t find it in the dark since you can’t see.”

“And you can?”

Her arms wrapped around her body, but her brow quirked as if she was challenging me. Stretching to my full height, I let one side of my lips lift to show off the tips of my teeth.