Page 83 of Ariana's Hero


Her words spill out in a rush. “I was late, and I thought it was just stress and then this morning I remembered the antibiotics and that they can mess with birth control and I took a test just now and I’m pregnant.”

Pregnant. Ari. Having my baby.

“I know it’s soon; we haven’t been together that long, and I didn’t plan it this way.” Her chin wobbles, her voice going small. “I’m sorry I messed up with the pills. But… I want this baby. If you’re not ready…”

Ari.Having my baby.

“I’m morethan ready.”

“Are you sure?” Tears are welling up in her eyes, seconds from overflowing. “We’ve only been dating a little while . . . and I don’t want you to feel obligated to be with me.”

Am I sure?

I kiss her hard on the lips. “Wait here.”

And I run into the living room, snatching a small box from under the tree. When I get back to the kitchen, Ari is still on the counter, tears wetting her cheeks.

“Honey, no.” I carefully brush the dampness away. “Don’t cry. I’m not upset about this. Not at all. Surprised? Yes. But upset?Absolutely not.”

Lifting her down from the counter, I set Ari in front of me, holding her gaze. “I’ve known you for eighteen years. I knowI want to be with you. And that includes having children with you. The timing of that doesn’t matter. Now, in a year, in five? I want you. And our children. No matter when it happens.”

Then I pull my heart out of my chest and hand it to her.

And I drop to one knee, holding the box out to the love of my life.

“I love you, Ari. Since we met, you’ve had me. My heart has always known you’re the one for me.”

I flip the box open; the light hitting the stone and reflecting sparks of light across Ari’s face.

She’s never looked more beautiful.


“You’re the one, Ari. I wish there were words to tell you how much I love you. But it’s more than words. It’s how I feel when I’m with you. It’s the greatest joy in the world.”

Tears are steadily falling now, and I really hope these are happy ones.

I reach out to her, both our hands shaking.

Her fingers wrapped in mine, always protected.

Pushing past the lump in my throat, I ask her the most important question of my life.

“Will you marry me?”

“Oh, Cash.” Love shines bright in her eyes, tears sparkling. “Of course I will. Nothing could make me happier.”

I slide the ring on her finger, marveling at it.My Ari. Soon to be my wife. The mother of my child.

It’s more than I ever dreamed of.

Lifting her into my arms, I kiss Ari over and over, still not quite believing.

After a minute, or an hour, we pull apart, gasping for breath. Lashes damp, gaze soft, she whispers, “I love you, Cash. I always have, and I always will.”

Then her stomach makes a little growling noise, and she giggles. “So much for the romantic moment.”