Page 77 of Ariana's Hero

The once-distant sirens draw closer, flashing lights seeping through the thick curtains. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

And holding the most precious gift I’ve ever been given, I carry Ari out of the house toward the approaching ambulance, not once looking back at the man who almost took her from me.

Chapter 23


I can’t believe this day is actually here.

After all the fear, the stress, the nightmares, nearlydying—I’m finally about to face him one more time.

Kyle. The monster who’s tormented my days and nights.

After all he did to keep me away, I’m still here. The carbon monoxide leak at my house, the shooter—Leo finally found proof that Kyle was behind both of those—thanks to Cash and my new friends at Blade and Arrow, I’m still here.

Am I scared to see him? Yes.

Every time I think about facing those flat blue eyes that still haunt my nightmares, I get nauseous and break out in a cold sweat. My heart races, my chest gets tight, and I have to struggle not to go back to that night.

It’s a struggle not to flash back to the darkness, the confusion, the absolute fear when I woke up in that trunk. And the pain and terror when I jumped out, so sure I was about to die.

Thank God for Cash, who has been working from home since that awful day with Brett. My Cash, who always seems to know when I’m panicking or having a flashback, and he drops everything to comfort me. To hold me, kiss me, reassure me that it’s all over until my brain finally accepts what he’s saying.

I hope that testifying against Kyle will help. That getting my story out will be another step toward healing. And I can see across the courtroom that he’s just a sick, terrible man, and not the monster I’ve built him up to be.

And of course, I hope my testimony will send him to jail, which the district attorney seems to believe is a sure thing.

I want to believe her, but I’m still scared.

Which is why I’m clutching Cash’s hand so hard I must be cutting off circulation to his fingers. And I’m trying this box-breathing thing he told me about, but I must not be doing it right, because I think I’m on the verge of hyperventilating.

“Sweetheart, it’s okay.” Cash pulls me back into his arms for what must be the fiftieth time today. But each time it makes me feel a little better—the feeling of safety in his arms, the warmth of his body, the press of his lips on the top of my head.

He rubs my back in large circles while I try to pull myself together. “Ari, you can do this. I know you can.”

After several shaky breaths against his shirt, I tilt my head back to look at him. “I know. But every time I think about going in there and talking about everything in front of all those people, andKyle… my body starts to freak out.”

“That’s normal, hun.” His eyes are soft and concerned as he gazes at me. “You’ve been through so much; your body is still trying to deal with it all.” His hand comes up to stroke my cheek gently, his fingers lightly brushing over the still-healing cut.

Brow creasing, he asks, “How’s your head feeling? Headache? Is the light bothering you?”

“It’s okay.” Due to the concussion Brett gave me, I’ve had lingering light sensitivity and an off-and-on headache for the last two weeks, but fortunately nothing more serious.

Cash tilts his head appraisingly. “Are you sure? Do you need more ibuprofen?” His eyes narrow at me. “What about your cheek? If you’re in pain, Ari, tell me.”

Weirdly, I feel more in control soothing his worry. “It’s really okay, Cash. My head isn’t hurting, and my cheek is just a little sore.” Which isn’t surprising, since Brett fractured my cheekbone when he hit me with the gun. But aside from looking like I just went three rounds with a heavy-weight boxer, it hasn’t been nearly as painful as when I had my run-in with the pavement after leaping from the trunk.

He still doesn’t look convinced, so I reassure him, “I’m not in pain. I’m just scared and nervous about testifying. And I’m ready to get it over with.”

“Ah, honey. You know you’re safe here.” He glances just down the hallway to where Leo and Finn are standing guard. “You’ve got me, and these guys—” He lifts his chin at them, getting twin chin lifts in return. “There’s nothing to worry about. Before you know it, you’ll be all done, and we can go home and relax by the tree.”

The thought of our beautifully decorated Christmas tree eases my tension a bit. Sitting on the couch, cuddled up with Cash, the lights sparkling and fire crackling in the fireplace…

“With eggnog?”

“If you want some.”

I widen my eyes at Cash. “Will you drink some, too?”