Page 85 of Ariana's Hero

He flashes me a little smile. “I think that will happen soon enough.” Leaning in, Cash kisses me, his lips warm and tender and tasting slightly of mint. Then he bends over and presses a soft kiss on my belly, and my heart nearly bursts from the sight of it.

Straightening, he says, “Okay, hun. Are you ready to go downstairs? Most of our guests should be arriving soon.”

I glance at myself in the mirror one more time, taking stock. Hair long and shiny—one perk of being pregnant is my hair growing like crazy. Just a hint of makeup, some blush and mascara to highlight my eyes. A wraparound dress in a silky green fabric, clinging to my fuller breasts and the little bump I’m so excited about.

“Okay.” I take Cash’s hand, twining my fingers with his. His platinum wedding band gleams against the gold of his skin, reminding me all over again.

Myhusband. Because Cash couldn’t wait to get married, and neither could I.

After all we’d been through, we both know how quickly life can change. And as Cash said on Christmas night as we lay in bed snuggling, “I know I want to be with you, Ari. And I don’t want to waste any more time.”

So we went to Tahiti just after New Year’s and got married on the beach. It was just a tiny ceremony—we flew in my mom, Thea, and Ian—but it wasperfect.

And today we’re having a big wedding reception for all our friends, now that my morning sickness has passed and I’m back to feeling normal again. All the people from the station, my coworkers from school, the Blade and Arrow team, plus most of Cash’s employees at Chatham.

“Remember, if you start to feel tired, take a break. Don’t feel like you have to entertain everyone.” Cash glances at me as we head to the stairs. “I don’t want you overdoing it.”

“I will. But I feel fine. Really.” Little lines of worry crease his brow, and I stop to smooth them away. “But I’ll make sure to sit down. And you can remind me.” Cash has been incredibly protective over the last few months, but I can’t really blame him.

After watching his girlfriend—now wife—nearly get poisoned by carbon monoxide, then shot at, not to mention kidnapped and threatened by his drug-addicted brother… Well, that was certainlyenough to get his protective instincts going.

And now that I’m pregnant, he’s even moredetermined that nothing will hurt me.

But I don’t mind. I still struggle sometimes with everything that happened, and Cash makes me feel safe. So if he wants to get all protective of me, that’s okay.

When we get downstairs, Cash draws me to him, enfolding me in his embrace. One hand rests at the small of my back, the other at my nape. His eyes are soft as he gazes down at me. “You look beautiful, Ari. I still can’t believe you’re mine.”

I wrap my arms around his waist, smoothing my hands over the hard muscles of his back. “I can’t believe you’re mine, either. I never thought I could be this happy.”

Dipping his head, Cash captures my mouth with his. At first tender, our kiss deepens, our tongues dancing together, stroking and teasing. My nipples go hard and my core squeezes, little sparks of need zipping through me.

Cash swells against my belly, and he makes this sexy growl as he kisses me, ramping up my desire even more. Maybe we could go back upstairs for a minute or ten…

“Okay, you two.” Thea comes up to us grinning, her curls bouncing around her shoulders. “There are lots of people waiting to talk to Ari. The whole new bride and expectant mother thing.”

I pull away from Cash and give him a smile filled with promises for later. “Sorry,” I tell Thea. “I blame the hormones. And my sexy husband.”

Cash kisses my forehead. “Go talk to your friends. But remember—”

“I know.” My smile widens. “I’ll take it easy.”

As I walk away with Thea, Cash is swallowed up by his buddies from the station. Out of the corner of my eye, I see lots of shoulder pats and back slaps and chin lifts—and in the middle of it all, Cash grinning proudly.

“He’s so cute,” Thea enthuses, tugging me over to one of the couches. She plops down and continues, “He can’t keep his eyes off you. And he’s so excited about becoming a dad.”

A server comes by and I take a glass of sparkling cider while Thea goes for champagne. “He’s amazing,” I agree. “Sometimes I still can’t believe it’s real.”

Thea takes a sip of the sparkling liquid, hmming appreciatively at it. “I always knew you two would end up together. I just didn’t think it would take so long.”

“Yeah…” My eyes gravitate toward Cash, and he glances over, meeting my gaze. “But I think it was the right time. We weren’t ready until now.”

“And now you’re married, with a babyon the way.” She beams at me. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Ari, congratulations.” Maya pauses by the couch, smiling brightly.. “Mind if I join you? Or is this—”

“No, sit down.” I pat the empty cushion next to me. “I’m so glad you could come.”

“Of course.” Maya’s eyes crinkle up at the corners. “I wouldn’t miss it.”