Page 43 of Her Exception 2

Balloons covered the ceiling, his couch was covered with gift bags, there were rose petals all over the floor and bed, and candles littered his dresser and nightstands. Amaru busied himself with getting some music going, then he walked me over to the small bench in front of his bed, where champagne and chocolate-covered fruit waited for us.

“So you just knew I was going to say yes to being your woman, huh?” I teased.

“I mean, yeah. How else are you going to be my wife?”

His arms wrapped around me from behind, and he gave me a sweet kiss on the neck. Melting in his embrace, I turned to face him for a kiss. We undressed and got comfortable in bed, feeding each other fruit and singing to one another as one song changed to another. By the time the champagne bottle was empty, I was full of Amaru, and there was no better way to end the day than having him deeply inside of me.



Two Weeks Later

Amelia released the cutest huff. For the past three or four weeks, Jeremy had been actively trying to spend time with her. She’d been curving him which didn’t surprise me, but it was getting harder and harder for her to do so.

“Why don’t you just answer, sweetheart?” I asked.

“Because he’s going to be weird about it.”

Chuckling, I leaned against her bedroom door frame. “Weird how, Milli?”

“Being all… nice to me.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“I wanted a kind, loving brother. Nice is fake and forced.”

“Well, how will you know if he’s being nice or kind if you don’t answer? Jeremy has been calling you for weeks. I don’t think he’s going through all that just to waste your time.” Her shoulders softened as she considered my words. “I’m not saying be his best friend. I’m just saying, if you want to try and see if the two of you can have a healthy relationship, let him show you like he’s trying to do.”

“Okay. I guess I’ll call him back and see what he wants.”

“All right, bae. Call me if you need me.”

I gave her a hug and kiss goodbye before saying farewell to Lis and Caroline. We’d just gotten back from our cabin in the mountains and AJ and I needed to rest. It was our first time going and I loved every second of it.

Our first day there, we made chili and s’mores and chilled before making snow angels and drinking hot cocoa. The second day there, Amelia and I took the kids to the town winter parade. We spent the last day there watching Christmas movies by the fireplace. Before we left, we carved all our initials in the tree right behind the cabin and promised to come back next year.

I was glad we planned the impromptu trip because Veronica decided not to come back home for the Christmas holiday since AJ knew about her pregnancy. I’m not sure if it was guilt or what that kept her away, but Thanksgiving would be my son’s last memories with his birth mother for quite some time. I was glad I made the decision not to have her tell him while she was here visiting.

* * *

That Monday

My meeting with Brandon, the Memphis Grizzlies player, went exceptionally well. He’d rescheduled twice and I feared he was being led into a different direction but that wasn’t the case. As I suspected, he had already started making calls to his teammates on his way out to tell them about the engagement letter. I was excited to work with him. He was a young boss who had a lot of deals being thrown his way already.

I went to Violet’s office to tell her the good news and smiled at the sight of the Amaretto sisters. They were beautiful, soft-looking women whose looks often suckered opposing attorneys into thinking they weren’t as lethal as they were.

“My apologies for interrupting,” I told Violet as she stood with a warm smile. “I just wanted to let you know I signed Brandon. I’m sure I’ll have more players on the way.”

“That’s great, Amaru. I’ll have to buy you a bottle of champagne to celebrate. You’ve met the Amaretto sisters, right?”

“I haven’t no, but I’ve certainly heard about them.”

They stood and we shook hands. The older sister, Maritza, was the first to speak. Sakura held my hand a little longer than I felt was necessary, and I couldn’t help but smile. She had no idea. As beautiful as she was, there was nothing she could say, do, or offer to draw my attention from Milli. That woman had been my whole heart before things turned romantic, and now that they had, I was stuck so far up her pussy, I was surprised other women couldn’t smell her on me.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” I said, pulling my hand from hers. “Is it too premature to welcome you to the firm?”

“Not at all,” Sakura replied, while Maritza said…