Page 4 of Her Exception 2

“Because Alisia gets to hang with my two favorite guys, and I don’t.”

I couldn’t stop the smile that spread my lips at the sound of her confession. AJ and Alisia were close, just like Amelia and I were. He wanted to spend the evening playing games with her, so I reached out to see if Alisia could play. Milli’s mom didn’t mind me picking her up, which I was grateful for.

“I’m sure you’d rather be under your man than play games with us.”

Amelia’s eyes rolled and I laughed. “Darron is in his office working, like I thought he would be, so I’m just chilling in his room until I fall asleep.”

“Well, I wish you were here.” Before she could respond, I was getting a call from Parker. “Hey, I’ll text you, okay? Parker’s on the other line.”

“Okay, Ru. Take care of my baby.”

“Don’t I always?”

She shot me a wink and smile as she nodded before ending the Facetime. As I answered Parker’s call, I headed toward the kitchen to see what kind of snacks I could make for the kids in about an hour or so. We’d already stopped to get rolled ice cream and I didn’t want to give them too much too soon.

“Hello?” I answered, hoping everything was okay with him and Mecca since they’d gone out together for the evening.

“You busy?”

“Nah, what’s up?”

“Do you have any plans Sunday after next? Around seven that evening?”

“Nothing is coming to mind. What’s going on?”

“I’m putting together a surprise wedding for Carina.” My feet stopped moving as a surge of happiness and shock filled me. They’d been dating for a little over two months now, so it was extremely fast for a wedding. Parker had never been in love with a woman or even attached to a woman in all the years I’ve known him. As soon as he met Carina, he let us know she was the one, and since I believed it didn’t take long to come to that conclusion, I shouldn’t have been surprised that he wanted to marry her this fast.

“Wow, man. Congratulations. I’m happy for you, and I wouldn’t miss the wedding for anything in the world.”

“Thank you. That’s what I wanted to hear. Wear black. I’ll shoot you an official invitation tomorrow. And don’t tell anyone except your date because this is a secret.”

“I got you.”

We said our goodbyes, then I texted Taylor, my on-again-off-again ex. Well, I’m not sure I can call her an ex since we never officially committed. Between work and my son, I didn’t have much time to try and meet new women. Honestly, I had no desire to either. Milli gave me the companionship I needed, and when I wanted sex or romantic evenings, I got that from Taylor. It didn’t take her long to text me back, letting me know she was available and would love to be my date for the evening.

I went to check on the kids, and my heart expanded in size when my son hugged me and thanked me for going to get his favorite girl. The fact that he even called her that made me willing to go and get her whenever I possibly could. There wasn’t much my son lacked in this world besides a consistent relationship with his mother. He didn’t ask to be here, and it was my desire to make sure he lived a life that made him happy to be in this world and my son.

Once I had their games set up in the game room, I settled in the living room and put it on what was the best season ofMartin—season two. I was about three episodes in when there was a knock on the door. Since I wasn’t expecting anyone, I checked the camera before going to open it, smiling at the sight of Amelia. For several seconds, I was frozen as I stared at her. I couldn’t believe she was here. When she rang the doorbell again, I stood to let her in.

When I opened the door, my eyes scanned her frame. She was dressed in sweats and an oversized t-shirt. Slides were on her feet, and two ankle bracelets were wrapped around her ankles. Her hair was pulled back and off her face, giving me a full view of its beauty.


“Hi,” she spoke sweetly.

“What’re you doing here?”

“You said you wished I was here.”

“Well yeah, but I wasn’t expecting you to actually come.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

Before she could turn fully, I was grabbing her hand and pulling her into my home… into my chest. “YouknowI want you here.”

The seconds that passed of our eyes being locked together felt like eternities. She released a shaky breath and pressed her hand into my chest, pushing me back gently.

“Where are my babies?” she asked, stepping further into my home.