As a senior associate, I had attorneys and paralegals working under me, so I’d have enough experience to confidently make that transition if necessary. The only thing that had me unsure about my ability to excel at HGP2was how close Jeremy and Flex were. The best friends always voted together, ensuring their positions of power regardless of who else came and left as name partners. Because of Amelia’s issues with her brother, I didn’t see either of us getting a promotion if he had anything to say about it, no matter how much we deserved it.
“I’m so excited for you, Mecca, and proud!” Amelia boasted, gripping my shoulder. We’d played a few hands and were now lingering at the bar before deciding to call it a night. “Do you not realize what this can mean for the firm? For you?”
“For us,” I reminded. “This is a win for you, just as much as it is for me.”
Parker sucked his teeth. “Will you two just have sex already?”
Though Amelia and I laughed, I planned to quickly correct him. Amelia was beautiful but she was my closest female friend and more like a sister to me. I was physically attracted to her when we first met, but now, it turned my stomach to even think about her in a sexual way. We were truly platonic friends, and I was grateful God had blessed me with both her and Parker—even when he said dumb shit like that.
“You know it’s not like that between her and I,” I reminded him as he took a sip of his French Connection. “But I meant what I said,” I told Amelia, giving her back my attention. “You are undisputedly the best negotiator at HGP2. I know you hate criminal law just as much as I do. If I can make this take off for the firm, I’m handing you as many cases as I can.”
“There’s no if, only when. If I’m the best negotiator, you’re the best litigator. This is literally just the beginning for you, bro. Congratulations, again.”
All three of us toasted before taking sips of our drinks. I wasn’t happy about the situation that led to the case, but I was glad to be the lead attorney on it. A middle-aged mother sought representation after her young son got sick. She swore it was because of her apartment complex but no one believed her. The living conditions were horrible—rats and roaches, and as a result, poison that was being improperly used, loose flooring and ceilings, broken HVACs, and Sheila suspected the landlord was allowing drugs and prostitution in some of the apartments as well.
My goal was to get as many tenants as possible to join the lawsuit. Sheila said quite a few complained but were afraid to speak up. The last time we talked, she had two other single moms who were willing to go against the landlord and his organization. That was a start, but I wanted at least half of the tenants to be on board before we served him.
Conversation continued to flow between us, and both Amelia and I were caught off guard when Parker announced, “Well, I think I found the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.”
Amelia and I looked at each other before bursting into laughter. I laughed so hard my eyes watered as I held my tightening stomach. Amelia gripped my arm as she struggled to catch her breath, wiping tears from her eyes. Parker’s pride had his chest poked out as he frowned, looking from me to her. I don’t think it was either of our intentions to make him feel bad, but in the five years that we’d known Parker, he’d never been in a serious relationship or even expressed his desire to be in one.
“Okay, wait, let’s be fair,” Amelia said, pulling her laugh in. “Let’s hear him out.”
“Oh, I’m listening,” I replied, amused.
Parker stared at us before sucking his teeth and giving us a dismissive wave, making us laugh all over again. When he tried to walk away, I quickly stood and grabbed his arm.
“A’ight, a’ight, we’re done. Tell us about the future Mrs. Parker Graham,” I said as he sat back down on the opposite side of Amelia.
“I’m not going to share the sacredness of my new bond if you’re not going to take it seriously.”
“We are going to take it serious, Parker, promise,” Amelia assured him with a sweet smile.
This time, when he looked at us, Parker nodded and began to speak. “Okay, so I met her a week ago at that rooftop party I told the both of you about. She was flirting back but also playing hard to get, so we didn’t link up until yesterday.” He paused and clutched his chest as his expression softened. “We spent literally all night together. After dinner and drinks, we went to the river and walked and talked for hours. Then, when I took her home, we sat in my car for hours and talked more. For twelve hours straight, we got to know each other. The only reason we parted ways was because we needed to get ready for work.”
“Wow,” Amelia almost whispered, covering his hand with hers on top of the bar. “That sounds so beautiful, Parker. I’m happy for you. It truly sounds like you guys connected in a magical way.”
“I feel like we did. I’ve never had that kind of instant connection with someone or the desire to be around them so long. And it wasn’t even physical. We held hands as we walked and hugged before we parted ways, but we didn’t even kiss. I’m in love with this woman and I don’t even know what her pussy feels like yet.”
Amelia rolled her eyes as I chuckled and took a sip of my drink. I was waiting for his ass to say something slick.
“I’m happy for you, man,” I said as I set my drink down. “Love doesn’t come around often. If you think she’s the one, treat her right and make sure she never questions how you feel.”
“Do you have a picture of her?”
“Yeah.” Parker pulled his phone out, opened his photos, and handed it to Amelia after a few swipes.
With a gasp, Amelia shoved Parker playfully. “Oh my God, Park. She’s absolutelybeautiful!” Amelia extended the phone in my direction. “Here, look at this. I see why he spent twelve hours with her.”
I laughed as I grabbed the phone, but I almost dropped it when my eyes landed on Carina. No matter how much time had passed, in this case, fifteen years, I’d never forget her face or her beauty. Carina had very distinct features that made her unforgettable. What made her most unforgettable was the fact that she was my first love’s best friend when we were in high school.
My nostrils flared as I tightened my grip on the phone.
“Hey,” Amelia called quietly, placing her hand on my back. “You okay?”
I tried to speak but no words would come out. Instead, I handed her back the phone as I stood and pulled enough bills to take care of all our drinks.
“Don’t tell me she’s an ex,” Parker said as he retrieved his phone from Amelia.