Page 31 of Her Exception

At the sound of ringing, I looked back. She was following me and had her phone on speaker.

“What are you doing?”

“Obviously you want to know what’s going on between me and Carter, so I’m about to let you see.”

“That’s your business, Lom. You don’t have to prove anything to me.”

She remained silent, still following behind me as I headed to my room. The fact that I even allowed her in my room was proof of how invested I was in us getting back together. Since I’d moved in, not one woman had stepped foot into my bedroom. Shalom had not only been inside, but we’d made love too. I tainted a sacred space for an intimate moment with her that I don’t regret, but I do regret letting her inside without talking about where things were going with us first.

“Hello?” Carter answered.

“Hey, you called?”

“Yeah, you busy?”

I reached for the door. She reached for my hand.

“I’m not necessarily busy. I’m about to fix dinner for me and Mecca.”

I turned to face her while he remained silent on the line.

“You and Mecca?” he repeated.


“That’s… a thing now?”

Shalom smiled softly. “It’s still too early to say.”

He chuckled. “You ended things with me and wouldn’t give us a second chance because of some bullshit rules after he broke your heart, but you’re giving him a second chance?”

There was a lot to unpack there, but the main thing that stood out to me was him mentioning rules. I tucked it into my memory to ask her about that.

“Well, Mecca and I have realized we were pitted against each other. He didn’t write that letter to break up with me and make me have an abortion.”

“Then who did?”

“We’re still trying to figure that out.”

He laughed again, and the shit was starting to piss me off. “So he tells you he didn’t do it and you just believe him?”

Her voice was firmer when she said, “I know he didn’t do it because someone gave him a similar letter from me that I didn’t write.” She massaged her temple and turned her back to me. “Did you want something specific, Carter?”

“I don’t think it matters anymore, Shalom. Be well.”


He disconnected the call, and for a while, she just stared at the phone. I felt like I’d invaded their privacy and become privy to a conversation I shouldn’t have been. It was clear he still wanted her and based on her response to him ending the call, I wasn’t sure she didn’t want him either.

I went into my room to get my charger, which is why I’d headed that way, to begin with. It wasn’t until I brushed against her as I headed back toward the game room that she snapped out of her trance.

“If you need to call him back to handle that, you can go in one of the guest rooms for privacy,” I offered.

“There’s nothing to handle. We aren’t together like I told you.”

“Yeah, but from the sound of it, that’s what he wants. Do you?”

I turned to face her, and the sight of her nibbling her bottom lip told me all I needed to know. Chuckling, I continued down the hall.