Page 63 of The Fate Philosophy

His laugh thundered as he threw his head back. He coiled both arms around my ribs tightly, pressing his front into me as he leaned his head down and buried it in my neck. “Let’s hurry up and go meet some people so we can hurry up and leave.” Just as he moved to step away, he whispered in my ear, “Because all I want to do right now is rip that fucking dress off you.”

He led me around the ballroom, introducing his colleagues and clients. Those nerves that had dissipated earlier began to reappear as I met a long-legged, dark-haired, glowing-skinned receptionist named Amira. She was absolutely beautiful, and the way she batted her eyes at Dom told me she thought the same about him.

He didn’t seem to return her interest, but when he introduced me, he did so as hisfriend.

I knew, logically,Iam the one who insisted our friendship remain just that, but something about the word lingered in the air around us. As if the other women he was introducing me to hung onto it tightly. Jealousy bubbled in my stomach and I hated it. We agreed that if one of us found someone else, we’d end our arrangement. No hard feelings.

And I’ve never regretted something more than I regret agreeing to that.

Because now that I was seeing all of the women he spends his time around, I couldn’t imagine why he’d choose me. I couldn’t imagine how he wouldn’t fall for someone else.

“Oh! It looks like Carina got here. She’s the one I wanted to introduce you to,” he said. Dom waved across the bar, and I noticed a short brunette wave back. She was wearing an emerald green, silk dress that accentuated her many, many curves. Her thick, straight hair flowed down to her mid back, and I swore not a single strand was out of place. Despite being on the shorter side, her legs seemed a million miles long, and her golden skin was absolutely flawless.

She definitely waxes.

Her skin literally shimmered under the lights as she strode toward us. She looked like she was walking in slow motion. I could’ve sworn her hair was blowing back like there was a fan on it. Like those moments in the teenage chick-flicks when theIt Girlcomes strolling through the high school doors.

I was not an insecure person.

For the most part, I was fully aware of my assets. I’d never had trouble getting male attention (I only had trouble keeping it, once they got to know me). But Los Angeles had turned out to be a different beast. Everyone who lived here either was already famous, or wanted to be. Everyone was lasered, and botoxed, and toned.

Los Angeles was not a city made for normal people.

Dom seemed positively giddy as Carina reached him. He pulled his hand away from mine so he could embrace her. I wasn’t sure if it was my overthinking, but the hug felt far too long and far too intimate. Carina kept her hands on Dom’s shoulders as she stepped back from him.

Her lips twitched upward in a way I could only describe as seductive. “Look at you.” He only shrugged, his smile just as wide as the ones he gave me. “You look good enough to eat.”

She then winked.

I choked back my gasp.

His responding laugh was rich and deep, like the ones he normally let out when he was between my legs. “Carina,” he rasped. “You look like you could bring every person in this room to their knees, as always.”

The way they looked at each other made me wonder if that’s something he’s done for her before. I felt so ill I found myself glad I hadn’t eaten before we got here.

He cleared his throat and stepped back from her, finally bothering to remember I existed. “This is Macie. My friend.”

For the love of God. That word again.Friend.It was gnawing my insides apart.

Carina’s eyes lit up, and I couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not. “Macie! It’s so good to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” She leaned in and hugged me, I struggled to return it. Somehow, I didn’t believe her.

“Mace, I wanted to introduce you to Carina because she’s an event planner. She does all of the events for our firm, and other businesses throughout the area. She planned this entire party.”

I nodded absently, but couldn’t form a response.

I was thinking too hard, too much.

Dom and I agreed that if either of us fell for someone, we’d end things. Coming here tonight, seeing him like this, wearing the necklace he gave me and hearing all the things he whispered in my ear, I realized Iwasfalling for someone. For him. Had been for a while.

Seeing the way these women reacted to his presence made me realize that those affections he showed me, he showed everyone. He made everyone around him feel like they were glittering, and I was no exception. He may see me as a friend, and a challenge, and a benefit in bed but that was where things ended for him. I was a game, and he’d won. As soon as he realized that, he’d grow bored. He’d move onto someone else. Someone like Carina.

That is, if he hadn’t already had her.

She blinked at me, still smiling effortlessly. Dom nudged me as if he was waiting for me to respond. I looked at him, and I knew my face was blank. I couldn’t think of anything at all.

Dom’s eyes crinkled in worry and he leaned closer to me. “I know you talked about the dances you used to put on at your last school, and how you loved it. I thought you might be interested in something like this.”

I sighed, blinking at him, and at Carina. Nothing. Nothing came from my mouth. As I stared at them I only thought of the two of them together. Their interaction. The way Dom spoke to me, the way he made me feel. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was all in my own head. If any of it had ever been real… and I couldn’t. I couldn’t.