Page 61 of The Fate Philosophy

“Oh.” I blew out a breath as he stepped back and studied me.

I should be thankful for that, I guess. Though, he kind of ruined the moment.

“Are you done eating?” he asked.

I shrugged. That smirk rose from his mouth again. Before I had the chance to grasp what was happening, he wrapped an arm under each of my knees and pulled me off the chair until my body was flush with his.

“Good. Then let’s go take a shower and I’ll show you what else you can expect to receive tonight after the party.”

He palmed my ass, lifting me into his arms and carrying me into the bathroom.

Luckily, I had one dress that may constitute as black-tie. It was a satin, strapless, red mini-dress that fit snug around the chest and waist, and flared slightly at the hips. I paired it with strappy black heels that I stole from Penny, and tied my hair into a loose bun, letting a few curls fall onto my cheeks. I twirled in the mirror, checking to ensure all pieces of me were in place.

Something about going to such a formal party with Dom, especially knowing he was representing his employer, made me nervous. I wanted to make sure I could look and act the part of a woman worthy of being on his arm.

I wasn’t sure if I was.

Dom left not long after our shower to go home and change. He was supposed to pick me up at eight-thirty so we could arrive at the party by nine. It was being held in a grand ballroom of an upscale hotel downtown. I knew he’d be wearing a tux. I hoped the dress I was wearing would go well with his outfit too. Knowing him, he’d try outdressing me.

I heard the front door open and close, and I checked myself over one last time in the bathroom mirror before Dom appeared in the doorway. I glanced over at him, my breath catching as I took him in.

I could actually feel the butterfly wings fluttering in my chest as I studied him. He was immaculately dressed in an all black tuxedo. He’d shaved since he left earlier, his jawline now stubble-free and looking as if it could cut glass. The suit fit him perfectly, it was just tight enough that I could make out the contour of his muscled arms. The jacket of the tux was unbuttoned, and it swept out behind him as he leaned against the doorway and put his hands in his pockets.

He wasn’t just hot. He was beautiful. Utterly, completely, breathtakingly beautiful.

And I did not belong with him.

I pulled my gaze from him and blinked down at the floor, not wanting to look at both of us in the mirror. Not wanting to make those comparisons.

He let out a low whistle. “Red is your color, Mace. You look stunning.”

I hid my blush, still looking at my feet. “I knew you’d try to outdress me.”

He laughed as he reached out and took my hand, pulling me from the bathroom and into the living area. “Outdress you? I couldn’t.” He lifted his arm and twirled me around. “Let me look at you.” I spun for him before coming to face him, both of our arms still outreached and entwined. “You’re sparkling, Macie,” he said just above a whisper.

I couldn’t hide the smile that bloomed across my cheeks, the instant dissolve of the nerves in my stomach as he spoke to me. I realized that as long as he thought I was sparkling, maybe I didn’t care so much about what anyone else thought.

He pulled me into him, clasping our hands at his shoulder as his other arm snaked around my waist. He dropped his mouth to my ear. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Dom.” I sighed against his chest.

“I’ve got something for you,” he said. He stepped away from me and pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a small box.

He looked at me, holding the box in one palm, while his other hand rested on top of it. “I never got you a Christmas present.”

“I don’t celebrate Christmas.”

“Well, I do.” I opened my mouth to argue, but he held one hand up. “And you got me fucking Disneyland for Christmas. So…”

“Technically, I got you kicked out of Disneyland for Christmas.”

He only laughed, and before I could speak again, he opened the box. Cushioned inside was a thin silver chain, and a pendant in the middle. A glittering, diamond star.

“Dom,” I gasped, my hands flying to my chest.

He stepped closer to me. “I haven’t bought a Christmas gift for anyone in three years. Not since the year Allie died. I haven’t accepted any gifts, either. Not until you.” He stood just in front of me now, and I watched him pull the chain from the box and let the box fall onto the couch next to us. “I wanted to get you something to thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” was all I could say.