Page 58 of The Fate Philosophy

That snapped whatever restraint I’d held, whatever this game between us was.

I raised up and came off him, reaching over his upper body to the place his hands were tied around the lamp pole behind us. The knot wasn’t tight. He probably could’ve slipped his hand out if he really wanted to. I pulled on the end of the tie and the knot came undone as it fluttered to the floor.

Dom surged forward, hands free. His mouth found mine in a carnal kiss before his hands found themselves around my ass, scooping underneath me and lifting. His cock slid into me in a swift and punishing stroke. My scream came muffled against his mouth as he seated himself back inside me, lifting me, and slamming me back down.

The relentless pounding of him gave way to that euphoric buzzing in me. It flowed through my nerves and gathered in my spine. I no longer had control of the sounds I was making, or the breaths I was heaving into his mouth.

His hands slid up my backside and grasped my lower back, fingers digging deeply into my hips as he rocked me against him. As if he was branding himself against my skin. He leaned forward, holding me in place so that I didn’t fall backward from the chair. The new angle had him so deep I could feel him in my stomach– in my soul. I was ready to detonate. I needed the release, and yet, I never wanted the feeling to end.

“One of these days, baby. One of these days I’m going to make you beg for it. But you come so pretty for me, I can’t help myself.” The desperation in his tone, the words from his beautiful mouth– that wave was cresting once again as white light lit up behind my eyes. One of his hands found itself against the nap of my neck, lifting my hair out of my face as he opened his mouth and deepened our kiss. “Go with me, Mace.”

“Yes,” I breathed. “Yes.”

It hit me then. That exploding star. The never-ending fireworks. The cresting wave crashing against my skin and enveloping me completely. I think that wave may have been him.

Somewhere outside my body, I heard him groan. I felt the sound against my jaw. I felt his body tense and pulse inside me. I unraveled around him, my fingers tightening in his hair, my chest pressing against his to seal us together.

I realized just how deeply we were connected in that moment. That a piece of him was literally inside of me. That though sex could be casual, could be just that and nothing more, this was more. He was more. It felt as if a small piece of his soul got stuck inside me too, and it would stay there forever.

Where my face was, I felt his skin. Where my hands and chest and legs and toes were, I felt his skin in all of those places too. I could no longer determine where I ended and he began. We were fused together.

That distant place outside my body, where the rest of the world existed, I heard his voice again. It rang clear as I began to float back down.

“You’re perfect.” Both of his hands held my face now. “You’re perfect,” he whispered against my temple, planting a kiss there. “You couldn’t be more perfect if I had dreamed you up myself.”

My mind had been scattered. My body—soul—fractured, laying in shards all around us.

I could not comprehend, I could not form a response. I could only pull back to look at him. I was desperate to see his face, read his eyes. Find a kernel of truth in his words. The eyes I found staring back at me were no longer lustful flames, but they were glittering. Sparkling stars.

Chapter 22

Iwasn’tsurehowlong we stared at each other before we finally found our feet planted back on the earth.

I wasn’t sure what to say, how to come down from the high he’d given me. All I knew was that I didn’t want to be disconnected from him yet. Without a word, his hands slipped around my back and held me firm, and I realized he may have been thinking the same thing I was.

A smile spread across my cheeks.

A look of surprise flashed on his face before he smiled back at me. Smiled and laughed. I returned his laugh with my own until both of our faces were bright with it. He was nearly blinding as his eyes darted to my lips and he leaned into me, sealing our mouths together.

His kiss was tender and soft. Savoring. He lifted me as he stood from the chair. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he was still inside me as he walked me over to his bed and laid me down on the edge. He towered over me as he trailed his lips down my jaw and across my collar bones before pulling out of me and standing up.

I admired the view of his backside as he strode into the bathroom. He returned a moment later in nothing but a pair of underwear and a satisfied smirk. He leaned against the bathroom door, crossing his arms. “So, I have an idea.”

“Tell me about it,” I said as I watched him push off the doorway and walk over to the place my panties rested on the ground.

My heart leapt into my throat as he picked them up and walked back to me on the bed, looping the lace around each of my ankles and slowly snaking them up my legs.

“You may have noticed that I don’t have a Christmas tree up,” he said as his hands roamed my body, fastening my underwear back around my hips.

“I may have taken note, yes,” I said a bit breathlessly, more focused on the warmth of his skin than anything he was saying. His fingers feathered up my stomach and around my shoulders, reaching my cheek and running his thumb across it lightly.

He gave me a soft smile before he backed away and walked into his closet. “I have a tree. A fake one. But I’ve never opened it.” He cleared his throat, and I paused from where I was slipping my dress back over my shoulders. “Allie died the first year I moved to L.A. Christmas was always a big deal in my family. Not just for the holiday itself but for my birthday. My parents got me this tree before I moved so I could still decorate my apartment here. I never took it out of the box that first year because I planned on going to see my parents on Christmas morning anyway.” I turned around to face him at the same moment he turned to face me. “And then… you know. So, I’ve never set it up.” He shrugged. “I thought maybe… we could do it now.”

I felt my face soften. As if a force outside of my control shoved me forward, I stepped into him. “I’d love that.”

His arms widened on instinct and slipped around my shoulders as he held my head against his chest. I felt him rumble with the words as he spoke, “Thank you for being here this year, Mace.” He was quiet as he added, “I’m grateful I found you. I’m grateful we’re…” He swallowed. “Friends.”

My stomach dipped, but I pushed that gnawing feeling away as I hugged him tighter.