“That’s fair. But if you don’t exist, who will cure me?” His brow raises with interest. His dark eyes on me make my skin feel tight. He’s so beautiful it hurts, so broken it’s disastrous.

I want him to always look at me this way. With warmth and need—like I truly am his cure.

Jericho shoots us a disapproving glance and shushes us as the next person in our session takes a seat at the piano.

I cross my arms, rubbing the onyx ring between my fingers as I try to avoid looking at Liam. I close my eyes, trying to mentally prepare to meet Lanston tonight.

The onyx rings tie us together. Liam, Lanston, and me. I can’t help but wonder who they belonged to prior. Was one Monica’s? Why did they leave them out there in the field? Which ring do I have?

I’m not sure we’ll ever know. Sometimes it’s fun to wonder.

As our session ends, Jericho taps on his clipboard to get our attention before we all disperse. It feels like I’m in college all over again, and as nostalgic as it is, I don’t miss it at all. This place is much, much better. I’m not stressing myself into a heart attack over some stupid exam.

“All right, everyone, please remember that we’re heading to town on Friday next week for the Fall Festival. A little festive fun can be enlightening and inspiring. It’s going to be cold, so dress warm, and I know we’re all adults here, but we insist you buddy up because… well—”

“Because we’re not of sound mind,” Poppie remarks with a snide grin.

Jericho scowls at her but nods. “Yes… For your overall safety, anyway. Have a nice weekend, everyone. I’ll see you Monday morning, bright and early.”

Liam rolls his eyes at the counselor, and then his attention finds me. “Be mybuddy?”

I shrug and walk past him so he won’t see the excitement blooming across my cheeks. “Who else would be?” I laugh. He follows after me and slows down once he catches up to my side. “Please tell me we have something planned for the weekend other than scary stories in Lanston’s room.”

Liam grins for the first time today and I’m glad to see it, though he frequently glances warily over his shoulders as if he’ll see Crosby looming in the hallway.

“Lanston wants to get tattoos this weekend. Care to join us?”

I raise a brow. “Really? What’s he getting? I’m surprised he didn’t mention it to me.” I guess there are still things we don’t share between the three of us.

“It’s a surprise.” He nudges me. “Just join us, you’ll see.”

“Okay. It will be nice to get out of this place for a bit.” I look out the windows as we walk down the hall. It’s only been three weeks, yet I feel like I no longer belong in the real world. I don’t want to go back.

I think of James, how much he must be paying for me to stay in a place like this. I hope I’m not wasting his time and money. The only thing I want to do is get better, and with Lanston and Liam, I think I have.

I need to text James back; we message each other frequently, but I haven’t gotten back to him today since his morning text.

Which reminds me: “How much does this program cost?”

Liam’s eyes widen and he looks down at me like I’m pulling his leg. “You seriously don’t know?”

I stare at him blankly.

“Shit. Well, per month, it’s around six thousand dollars, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition.”

My legs stop working and I come to a halt in front of our door. I stare at Liam and he stares right back at me like he’s unsure what he’s supposed to say. “I’m sorry, I thought you saidsix thousand.” I shake my head and laugh.

His frown grows and so does mine as reality comes bearing down on me.

“I did.”

No fucking way.

Nope, I’m packing right now.

How could James afford this? Why would he think I’d let him pay for this? Guilt swarms me and panic sets in. I need to pack my things and check out—three weeks, it’s been three goddamn weeks and that’s already over five thousand dollars.

“Wynn, what are you doing?”