The soft hand landing on my shoulder makes my shoulders tense. I turn to find Rune watching me. Fucking gods, I’m not in the mood.

He quirks a brow with concern as he follows the direction I’m looking and finds Violet next to the dark-winged Eostrix. I have no doubt in my mind he knows exactly who he is, because his eyes flicker for a moment before returning to me.

“What is he doing here? And don’t you fucking bullshit me, Rune.” My voice is dripping with venom, my stolen power humming in a war against Arulius’s chains. I know he can feel it because he takes a step back and considers me before shaking his head.

“I’m sick of the ‘I can’t talk’shit. I’m done being nice and I’m fucking done with—with everything!” I scream in his face before sprinting down the cobblestone streets.

I’m already feeling guilty for saying that to him. So fucking stupid—but honestly, I don’t give a rat’s ass right now. I need to get away from everyone.

From everything.

I run until the lights from the festival are fading and the snow gets thicker on the unshoveled outer streets. I can’t tell if I’m still invisible or not, but I’m thankful every single person is celebrating. I’m completely alone out here and the snow falls silently, quelling my warring emotions.

At the north wall, I finally come to a stop, staring up at the closed gates and wondering if I’ll ever step foot outside them again… Would it matter? My mind is whirling trying to figure out who I can trust. Kastian wouldn’t pull an Arulius, would he? But he’s here at the festival, celebrating with the woman who’s been draining my blood daily.

Torturing me for months...


If everyone, including Violet, is at the festival, this might be the only chance I get to get into her blood storage room or whatever the hell is down there.

I grit my teeth. If I have to continue existing I might as well harden the fuck up and figure out a way to kill this bitch.

No more waiting.

No more mercy. No friends. I can do this myself.

I hear the crunch of snow behind me and already know who’s followed me.

I breathe out a sigh. I don’t know if he will help me go against his High Lady or not, but I’m not missing this chance. No fucking way.

Spinning on my heel, I nearly face-plant into the male. I severely misjudged how close he was standing.

“Shit, Rune, why are you standing right—”

“Love, is that you?”

Arulius?! Oh, gods. Can he see me? I clasp my hand over my mouth but I know he already heard me. He’s looking just over my head—that means he can’t see me. He followed my footprints?


Okay, it’s fine. I can still salvage this. If I can just get to the court, then he won’t be able to see footprints and I can uncover what Violet is really doing down in her chamber.

Arulius’s golden wings shiver, releasing the snow from atop them. His amethyst eyes search the space in front of him for me. My chest heats with our bond, warming just at the sight of him, but I push the feelings away. The bond feels weaker somehow, easier to sidestep.

“I know it’s you, love. Let’s get you back to your room before Violet realizes you’ve ventured out.” His hand aims forward, trying to find me, but I leap back and sprint down the alleyway to my left. He lets out a low laugh. “As if you could hide, love. Come on, don’t make me chase you.”

Fuck him.

I’m sprinting through the foot-deep snow as fast as I can and thanking the gods the bottom layer hasn’t iced over or I’d already be eating shit by now. Arulius is hot on my heels, but I’ve played chase in Nesbrim before.

My lips curve up with the memories of my Cypress chasing me. I feel so alive. The winter air stings my lungs and the scent of the mildewy stones rushes over me. This is worth it. Even if I get in trouble, this is worth it.

I take a few familiar turns before the court comes into view. A very disgruntled-looking Rune waits at the front entrance of the court.

Just my luck.

He instantly sees me and then I’m guessing sees Arulius, because his scowl disappears and is replaced with shock. I dare a look back and see the golden Eostrix pursuing me eagerly, hunger in his eyes.