Rune locks his gaze with mine and walks over to me, holding the dress out so I can see it. I shake my head.

“You know I can’t go,” I say in a painful whisper.

He shakes the dress and nods.

“No.” I grab it from him and throw the leggings and dress on the floor. “Violet has eyes everywhere. I won’t have you reprimanded for it.” I swing back toward the window and watch as people below celebrate and dance to the music. String lights connect each cottage and create the perfect ambiance for this cheerful night.

Rune’s steps creak as he approaches from behind. I ignore him and continue to gaze melancholily down at the court. His front presses against my back and I let out a short breath of surprise.

Since when has he been this intimate? Whether he wants me or not, at least he’s trying to show me that he cares… and I’m not sure what to do with that sentiment.

He turns me to face him and he’s holding the dress and leggings once more. I let out a long, drawn-out sigh. He just won’t give up. I consider my options.

I can either try to knock him out or see what his plan is.

I size him up and he seems to pick up on my plan. He smirks and grabs each of my wrists and pushes me against the wall. He’s so strong I can’t move either of my arms.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I snarl at him.

He responds by raising a brow and waiting for me to admit defeat.

“Okay, fine—I won’t try to knock you out.”

Rune nods and smirks again as he releases me. He’s strong—no wonder he was able to get two hits in on Arulius. Then again, I suppose Violet wouldn’t have assigned him as my guard for no reason. He has his uses, I suppose.

Two can play at this game.

I slide my drenched leggings down and step out of the soaked underwear, leaving them on the floor for him to see. His jaw drops and his eyes flick to my naked lower half. I laugh as I walk to the dresser and grab a fresh pair of panties.

“See what you did to me, Rune? Keep up the charade of being a nice and caring brute and youjustmightfuck me over like Arulius did.” I can’t help saying it—even though I know it’s not fair to him. He hasn’t done anything to me… yet.

His gaze lingers a few moments longer before he meets my eyes. I can’t help but smile. He’s braver than a lot of the other males, that or extra confident.

I get dressed and admire myself in the mirror. The crimson dress flows beautifully with my curves. My cream-colored wings nearly touch the floor now and my ears and horns match their hue. I don’t miss the dark circles under my honey-toned eyes, but I still look presentable to some degree.

Rune steps from behind me and I catch his smile in the mirror. Our eyes connect and my broken organ thumps hard in its cage.



Ican’t believe we’re doing this. I stop at the edge of the stones as we peer out into the snowy, string-lit streets.

“You know what, I change my mind. This is stupid and I shouldn’t have let you talk me into it.” I’m whirling around to charge back to my room but Rune blocks me. A sly smirk crosses his lips.

Oooh, a rule-breaker we have here.

He pulls my hood up and does the same with his. I scoff at his audacity but can’t help but giggle.

“Come on—this isn’t going to work, Rune. We look like bandits, for gods’ sakes.”

His smile stretches and the amusement reaches his eyes. Bastard.

Warm light swells around us as Rune’s red aura wraps around me. I almost yelp but manage to catch myself before giving our hiding spot away. “What the hell are you doing?” My eyes widen at his power. I have to admit, I’ve not a clue what Dreadiuses are capable of (besides the blood tears—that was fucking crazy). I still need to read those books I found, but it’s been hard to focus with the festival preparations going on for days now.

His eyes close and the light consumes us completely. I shut my eyes when I’m nearly blinded and have to blink twice when I reopen them to find nothing has changed.

I quirk a brow at him, knowing he can’t verbally explain but still expecting an answer regardless. Rune steps into the street, boots crunching the snow beneath his feet, and reaches a hand for me to follow.