Rune swats it down and sucks his lower lip in thought.

“Where did you see a creature like that?”

His eyes narrow like he’s thought of the exact being I’m looking for.

He knows, I can feel it.

“Promise you won’t tell?”

He rolls his eyes and points at his scarred and tatted throat. I wince at my slip up. “Sorry… Well, you know Violet’s basement? The one where she takes all my blood?”

His eyes flicker but he remains blank. Whatever creature he’s thinking of is clearly haunting his mind. He nods.

“Yeah… Well, I found a bowl with, like… bones and a skull in it. It was really fucking weird and it was filled with blood. I’m guessing mine, because that’s where she always takes it. But it was like the bones were absorbing it. The skull was crimson and had veins on it.” I pause and swallow the lump that’s forming in my throat from the memory of the horrid thing. “It really freaked me out.”

Rune’s eyes widen, fear itching beneath the surface.

He knowsexactlywhat I saw.

“What is it? Tell me.” I lean forward on the bed and crawl over the torn pages until I’m kneeling on the edge.

His red eyes are still looking away, to some far-off place. This close I can see the sweat collecting on his forehead.

What the fuck…

“Rune!” I pound my fist on his taut chest, snapping him out of his daze. He grabs my wrists and pushes me back on the bed until he’s on his knees straddling me, crumpling the pages around us and staring straight into my soul. Is it weird that I think this is hot? The tension is just making it more… intense.

“Just tell me—you’re freaking me out.”

I almost think he’s going to kiss me because he leans down to get closer, but he stops just a breath away as his eerie voice rings through my bones.

“I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but this sounds like North.”

I shiver beneath him. “What the fuck isNorth?”

His jaw tightens.“Not what—who.”He brings his hand to my throat and squeezes gently, just enough to make the air a little harder to pull in.“Northwasthe God of War.”

My back muscles flex because I can’t tell if he’s going to choke me or fuck me. I’d take either from him. “Was? Okay, so the bastard is dead. Why is Violet making nasty-ass skull soup in her basement?”

He dips down and kisses me deeply.“I don’t know. Not sure I want to find out, but this isn’t something we can ignore. Is it the same skull you’ve been seeing in your dreams, pup?”

I nod as I string my fingers through his dark locks of hair, digging my nails in to combat his rough grip on my airway.

He growls against my lips.

I break away and press kisses along his throat, dotting his beautiful tattoos with affection as I stroke his artery with one long brush of my tongue. I can already feel his erection through his pants. His grip tightens on my throat, making me dizzy, as he slides his pants off and nudges my panties to the side with his dick, rubbing my clit a few times before shoving into my pussy.

I jerk at the intrusion and bury my teeth into his neck as he thrusts into me. I’ve never been choked and fucked while I drink blood butholy hell.

I draw in his strong rose blood deeply, instantly moaning at the flavors of my sweet Dreadius and the orgasm that he’s building by pumping his hips into me roughly. Fear dances between us but it only makes this union more intense.

“The god’s been dead for centuries. But I know there’s more than one way to bring back the dead.”

I shift under him, pulling my teeth out too quickly and spilling blood over my cheek. “How? I thought only I could do that?”

He angles his hips and shifts my leg so he can bury himself to the hilt. He’s pounding my sensitive flesh so deeply I let out a sharp cry. The asshole finally releases my throat.“No, there’re a few ways. It’s not reincarnation—they’re dark and twisted methods, created by the War God himself to bring back his evil loyal companions.”

I can hardly focus on his words because I’m coming so hard my eyes roll to the back of my head. He presses a final kiss to my neck before he’s spilling inside me, grunting against my skin as his throbbing dick releases his pleasure.