Page 103 of A God of Death & Rest

“No—no, I’m not letting that happen.” I shove him away, draw what strength I have left to my wings, and fly the rest of the distance.

They can’t take her away. Not again. I’ve waited endlessly for her… only her. There’s no one else in the fucking realms that can bring me peace like she does.

The resurrected creatures are still ascending into the sky in a beautiful and heart-wrenching display of the Rhythm.

I see Elodie and everything seems to slow as I land next to her, crashing to the ground with no energy left to spare. She looks at me with her soft brown eyes and that timeless flicker of affection passes through her gaze.

Tears spill from my eyes as I take her appearance in. She looks like corrupted love—poisoned and taken by the malice of the realms. Her wings are crimson and though her skin is back to normal she looks like she’s fighting with everything she has to keep him at bay inside her.


“Elodie… I-I’m so fucking sorry.” I shatter like I was even whole to begin with—there are pieces of myself that I’ll never find in the shadows of the grief we’ve been dealt. None of this is fair for any of us.

She drops to her knees and clutches my face desperately, sobbing as she studies my face like it will be the last time we ever fucking look at each other.

My throat is tight and I feel sick.

Don’t go. Please, gods, don’t go. We’ve only just begun to fix things.

“Don’t go, l-love,” I choke out as she presses kisses to my forehead and lips. “Please don’t fucking go. I—I can’t lose you again.”

She lets out a wail that breaks me more than any man in the realms has the right to be broken. I can’t see her clearly through my blurry eyes but I can tell she's smiling at me painfully.

I reach a shaky hand to her cheek and she instinctively leans into it as she murmurs, “I have to g-go… I can’t stay.”

“No…I love you, Elodie. Please…” I beg and it comes out as a guttural cry.

She clutches my hand to her lips and shakes her head. “I love you, Arulius… so much.” She sobs and presses her quivering lips against mine. “I forgive you.”

My love.

My everything.

Don’t leave me behind.



Arulius’s amethyst eyes caress me and I fully believe they’ll hold my heart for eternity. He’s hurting as much as I am and I bite back the pain that wells in my heart. His own wounds finally get the better of him and his head drops to the ground.

Kol kneels next to him and starts healing him with his blood tears.

I look back to the sky with a heavy heart.

The orbs are vanishing and the universe above darkens as the world hushes around me.

The snow falls in thick waves of powder. My lashes are becoming heavy with the weight of my weariness. I’ve exerted all my aura and all that’s left is the evil within me.

Talia’s presence grows stronger for a moment and I open my arms to my God of Death. Borvon’s eyes fill with emotion and he meets me, our bodies molding against the cold air and our blood sticky between us.

His hand reaches for me and he rubs his thumb softly over my cheek. He dips down and our eyes connect with the deepest waves of love flooding over me. Talia does love him, more than anything. Her emotions flow through me and they match the love I carry for Kastian.

“Talia, I’ll love you till the end,” he whispers against my lips and then kisses me. I bring my hands to his beautiful face and press into him more. Our tears fall together.

“Borvon, my darling. Our love will always be endless.” I smile somberly against his lips. Turning to look at Rune with anguish in my heart, I say, “The Rhythm Gods will always chase each other. Forever. Until the cycle is corrected.”

Rune looks empty, like the entire world has been stolen, but his eyes meet mine slowly.