Page 102 of A God of Death & Rest

Wren looks back at me and he nods, smiling easily at me like nothing’s wrong, like we will all be okay.

Talia’s spirit connects with mine and it’s… surprisingly warm.

Elodie, are you ready?

I guess so… I don’t know what I’m ready for but there’s no choice.

We’ll save them all and then there will be a moment, just one. Tell them to kill you. Lucius will do it if Rune cannot.

My chest is so fucking heavy with the thought of dying again. I know as the Goddess of Life I will be resurrected, but to live another lifetime without them? To forget and not bemeanymore…

I watch as my hands rise. A beautiful bright yellow light emanates from all the bones Borvon raised. Their faces all animate with life once more. Hollows of all sizes and shapes, Moss Sparrows, Dreadiuses, Eostrixes. All the dead. All the sleeping creatures of Tomorrow.


Murph’s fur fills like time has reversed and he looks just as he should, with beautiful fur. The translucent leaves that once caught my heart now fill Wren’s short hair once more as his Hollow touches noses with him.

I catch my breath as the lights begin to orb like fireflies against the winter snow. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

The bodies of the dead shift into spirits and they begin to float into the sky. Wren breaks out laughing and crying as Murph dances around him happily. The Pine Hollow is going back to the human realm to serve his true purpose and bring happiness to the other side.

Murph licks Wren’s face one last time before trotting into the sky, chasing the Hollows that came before him as they wait, and together they all ascend into the universe above us.

My heart fills with so much sadness that they can’t stay, but this is the cycle. They aren’t meant to stay and Wren’s painful smile tells me he feels the same way. I try to hold onto what he told me.

His words from the forest reach into my heart and wrap me safely.We will all chase one another until we meet, again and again, in an endless cycle until we can all be together.

They will meet again. In another life.



My body is surging with pain and my aura is completely depleted. The Eostrixes trying to heal me aren’t healing as fast as the damage is spreading. Fuck.

North… the War God that I thought was long dead. What the hell was Violet doing with his bones and why didn’t I know about it? Obviously my loyalty is in question.

I grit my teeth and groan as a fresh wave of hell rolls through me.

A Dreadius sprints up to the group of Eostrixes surrounding me, fucking manic as her legs tremble violently.

“The G-goddess of Life just severed the Death God’s h-head!”


Everyone starts to panic around me and gods—I do too.

I bite back all my agony and force myself to my feet. My flesh is burning from the inside but I can’t let Kastian die like this… Fuck, what if he’s already gone?

Godsdamn it!

I stumble through the debris and rubble until I see Moro, Violet, and the others. Kol’s eyes meet mine and he’s at my side in a second, helping me along.

“What the fuck’s happening out there?” I cough and a few drops of blood splatter across my chest.

Kol curses under his breath at my state and walks faster, as if I’ll die on the way over. “Borvon took over right before Kastian died and he raised the dead. Elodie resurrected them and last I heard they’re going to kill her to get rid of North.”

My soul shatters with the very mention of them even considering killing her.