Page 88 of Unwrapped

Sherepeated the process with her left nipple and when she was done, she felt a lot more confident in her ability to survive in the sex/death cult for at least as long as it took to get the ship fixed.

Atleast, she hoped.



“Whatthe fuck happened to your nipples?”Fierceasked bluntly, when they all met again for the evening meal at the end of the day.

“Didthey turn blue on their own?”Holdwanted to know. “Ithought you had to have some kind of stimulation?”

“Shhh!I’lltell you later,”Celiaput a finger to her lips, sinceLa’ver’nawas walking around the dining area, observing everyone.Whenshe finally got to the three of them, she took a look atCelia’snipples and her face broke into an approving smile.

“Well, atlast!I’mso pleased to see that theMotherTree’senergy finally worked on you, my dear,” she said toCelia.

Celialet out a relieved breath she’d been holding and smiled back—even though she absolutely detested the unicorn priestess by now.

“Yes, thank you.Iguess it just took a little time and, er, stimulation by my worshippers,” she said, nodding atFierceandHold.

“Indeed!Andyou can finally be consideredfull membersof theSisterhood.Ialso think you’ll find your worshipperseasier to control, now that you have pleasure drops to give them,”La’ver’naadded, winking atCeliaand nodding at the two bigKindred. “Malescan be suchtroubleif they’re not kept quiescent.”

“Oh, er—yes.You’recertainly right about that!”Celianodded. “Fromnow on they’ll behave much better,I’msure,” she added.

“Well, they couldhardlybehaveworse,”La’ver’naremarked, shootingFiercea scathing look. “However, now that you’re all full members of theSisterhood, we’ll let bygones be bygones.”

Shenodded atCeliaand walked away, her hooves tapping on the wooden floor.

“SoIguess the pleasure dropsdoact as a mind-control substance,”Holdmurmured. “Thatwould explain all the blank staresIgot today whenItried to talk to the other males on my work crew as we were tapping the leaf stems for the ‘Bloodof theMother.’They’relike mindless machines, just doing what they’re told.”

“Speakingof which, we still don’t know exactly what this stuffdoesto a person,”Celiaremarked, nodding down at her bark cup filled with the thin brown liquid.

“Oh, actually yes, we do—orIdo.Ifound out from the foreman on my work crew who was the only one who was capable of carrying on a conversation,”Holdtold her. “Itactuallydoesact a lot like theBondingFruitwe grow onTwinMoons—it allows a female to become more, er,accommodatinginside for a male’s shaft.Orshafts,” he added pointedly, looking over atSess’ely, who was servicing two of her worshippers at once while the third one watched and jerked off.

Thesight remindedCeliaof what she’d found out about the unicorn girl and she felt slightly ill.

“Thosearen’t just her worshippers, you know,” she murmured, leaning forward to make sure her voice only carried to her guys.

“They’renot?Whatthe fuck are they then?”Fiercefrowned.

“Herbrothers!”Celiahissed. “They’reherthree older brothers.”

“Whatthefuck?”Fiercedemanded. “You’rekidding, right?Pleasesay you’re kidding.That’sfuckingincest.”

“Iknow what it is—keep your voice down!”Celiahissed at him.

“Youknow, some people might classify whatwedo as incest,”Holdremarked, looking thoughtful. “Imean, sharing a female and joining our shafts together toBondher to us.”

“What?Butwe don’t touch each other likethat!”Fierceprotested, nodding at the foursome beside them.

“No, we don’t,”Holdadmitted. “Ilike our way better—concentrating all our attention on our one chosen female,” he added, givingCeliaan intense look.

Celiabit her lip and tried to look away.Allday long theMotherTree’senergy had been pulsing through her, making her feel half-crazy with sexual need.Ithad been getting really hard to concentrate on dying the spider silk towards the end and she’d been looking forward to getting some relief by letting her guys touch her when she saw them.

ButnowIdon’t have anyexcuseto letthem touch me,she realized, looking down at her bright blue nipples in dismay.BeforeIhad to let them try to turn my nipples blue.Butnow anything we do together is just flat out cheating onPeter!

Shedidn’t want to think about that, so she turned the conversation to other topics.

“Whatabout you,Fierce—did you find out anything about the ship?” she asked theDarkTwin.