Page 85 of Unwrapped

“Wow…it’s huge!”Celiabreathed.Itlooked to be as big as anOlympicsized swimming pool, if not bigger.

“Yes, the holy spiders need lots of room,”Sess’elysaid, nodding so that her pearly little horn winked in the pink morning light which filtered down through the enormous leaves.

“What’sthat thing there?”Celiaasked, pointing.Atthe far end of the web was a massive cocoon, as big as a house.

“Oh, that’s where the holy spiders sleep.We’llwake them in a moment, but first let me show you around the other parts of theSilkProductionbecause you might have to take a turn in one of them eventually,”Sess’elysaid.

“Sure, show me.”Celianodded.Shewasn’t in any hurry to “wake up” any spiders—especially if they were as big as the web indicated.

“Thisway.”Sess’elyled her further around the trunk until they came to an area filled with giant steaming vats of colored liquid.Therewas red and green a blue and yellow—every color but purple.

“Theseare the dying vats,”Sess’elyexplained. “Butusually the only girls who work here are the ones the holy spiders don’t like.Youdump the silk threads in there and swish them around with a paddle…”Shepointed to a number of wooden paddles—each with a distinctive color that had been dyed into the wood. “Andthen you fish it out again when the silk is saturated enough.”

“Hey, this color here…”Celiawent to stand near a vat of blue dye.Thevat was waist-high to her and looked like it would hold hundreds of gallons.

“Oh—that’sPleasureBlue.Butwe all call it ‘nipple blue’.”Sess’elygiggled. “Becauseit’s the exact color our nipples turn when theMotherTree’senergy works on us and we start producing pleasure drops for our worshippers.”

“Yes,Ican see that,”Celiamurmured, casting an eye on the unicorn girl’s nipples, which were indeed a bright blue like the dye in the vat. “Er…how long did it take for your nipples to turn?” she asked, remembering thatLa’ver’nahad said that it took some time forSess’ely’snipples to change color.

“Oh, well…it took a few days, actually.”Sess’elyblushed. “Itdidn’t really happen for me untilIstarted letting my worshippers, er, worship me properly.Imean, with their cocks inside my pussy.Youknow?”Shegiggled and blushed a bright pink.

“Right—you must have been inexperienced and it made you uncomfortable,”Celiasaid, remembering what the priestess had said aboutSess’elybeing a virgin.

Butthe unicorn girl surprised her.

“Oh, it wasn’t that!” she said, shaking her head. “Imean,Iwasa virgin—emphasis onwas.”Shelaughed self-deprecatingly. “Butthe reasonIdidn’t want to let my worshippers, er, worship me properly was because, well…they’re my brothers.”

“Excuseme?”Celiastared at her. “Whatdid you say?BecauseIthinkImisunderstood you.”

“Isaid, they’re my brothers.Mythree older brothers, actually,”Sess’elyclarified. “Wewere on a trip to another galaxy together to buy a big load ofF’olshonwine—it’s very expensive, you know.Anyway, we made the mistake of coming back through the wormhole.Wethought it was safe but it destabilized right when we entered it.”

“Thathappened to our ship too,”Celiasaid. “Itwas scary!”

“Soscary,”Sess’elyagreed.Hereyes went wide. “Wenearly died!Ourship was so damaged it could barely fly.Wejustbarelymade it here toJoCostaTwelveand that’s when we found theSisterhoodofPeaceand they allowed us to join them as long as my brothers agreed to act as my worshippers.”

“So…PriestessLa’ver’naknewyou were all related when she welcomed you into theSisterhood?”Celiaasked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, yes, of course.Shesaid it didn’t matter as long as we all were true believers in theGoddessof theShiningHeart.Andas long as we would donate our load ofF’olshonwine—which we did so they could sell it and use the money to fix our ship,”Sess’elyexplained. “Ofcourse, once our ship was fixed, we were supposed to go home and spread the light of theGoddess.But, well…we like it here.Andwe’re not sure the people back home onJoCostaPrimewould understand our new relationship.”

By“new relationship”,Celiawas pretty sure she meant the people on her home world wouldn’t understand why she was fucking her three big brothers.Whichwasstillhard to wrap her head around.

“Imean…didn’t you feel like…wasn’t it hard to, uh, dothatwith…with your own brothers?” she asked at last.

“Imean sure—it was a little scary at first.ButPriestessLa’ver’natold us we wouldn’t be allowed to stay and couldn’t get our ship fixed if we didn’t join theSisterhood—and you can’t join unless you have worshippers,”Sess’elysaid, shrugging. “Andthen, of course, she said we couldn’t be proper members of the cult until my nipples turned blue andIstarted producing the pleasure drops for my brothers—Imean, my worshippers,” she corrected herself. “Andsince theMotherTree’senergy wasn’t working on me fast enough,Ihadto let them, you know, worship me properly in order to turn my nipples blue.”

“Isee,”Celiamurmured.Andshe did see—thatLa’ver’naand the other authority figures here at theSisterhoodofPeacehad basically stolen their shipment of expensive wine and kept them hostage in theMotherTree, while encouragingSess’elyand her brothers into an unconventional and unacceptable relationship…andnowthey were going to get killed for it—fed to theMotherTreeat some unspecified time in the future!

SherememberedLa’ver’nasaying they wouldn’t make good emissaries for theGoddessbecause of their “situation”—by which she no doubt meant their incestuous relationship—a relationship thatshehad encouraged but she knew would be frowned on ifSess’elyand her brothers went home toJoCostaPrime.Sothe four of them were going to be fed to the damn tree instead.

“Butdon’t you miss your parents and your home world?” she askedSess’ely. “Don’tyou want to go home?”

“Ohbut wearehome,” the unicorn girl protested. “Andnow we’re going to become one with theMotherTreeup onBranchFive—the ceremony might even be tonight!”

“Butwhat if someone told you that was a bad idea?”Celiaasked, desperately trying to think of a way to warn her. “Whatif they told you they had seen terrible things onBranchFive?Stuffthat would give you nightmares?Thenwould you leave?”

“Whoeversays anything like that doesn’t really know theSisterhoodor theMotherTree.”Sess’elygot a dreamy look on her face. “It’swonderfulhere.Someof my brothers wanted to leave you know—they objected to, you know, worshipping me the wayIneed to be worshipped.ButonceIstarted giving them my pleasure drops, they all calmed down and decided it would be better to stay.Weneverwant to leave.”

“Butwhat ifItold you it wasdangeroushere?”Celiaasked. “Whatif—”