Page 83 of Unwrapped

Fiercesmirked at her.

“Nope.Hejust doesn’t seem the type to enjoy eating pussy.He’stoo fucking dainty.”Heraised an eyebrow at her. “Butseriously?Herefuses to go down?”

“Noneof your business, youhijo de puta!”Celia’scheeks were flaming as she glared up at him.Whywas it that every time she felt like she was getting to like theDarkTwin, he said something to irritate, offend, or infuriate her?

“Celiais right—it’s none of our business what she does or doesn’t do with her fiancé,”Holdsaid, frowning.

“Okay, sorry.”Fierceshrugged. “Justtrying to understand how he could resist such a sweet, soft little pussy.Especiallywith all the moaning and begging and hair pulling when you tongue herGoddesspearl just right…”

“Fierce, will youstop?Can’tyou see our lady doesn’t want to talk about that?”Holdsounded almost as exasperated asCeliafelt.

“Allright, all right…”TheDarkKindredheld up both hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. “Justtrying to understand it, that’s all.”

“Humansdon’t have the same biological need to taste their females that weKindreddo,”Holdreminded him. “Besideswhich, we really enjoy it andIdon’t know if they do or not.”

“Uh, that would be a ‘not’ as far asIcan tell,”Celiasaid dryly. “Butcan wepleasestop talking about this now?Shouldn’twe be getting dressed?Aren’twe supposed to get our work assignments this morning?”

“Notuntil after breakfast,” the familiar voice ofGer’thasaid and the front curtain was pulled to one side. “Hurryand get ready,” she told them. “Mostof the other new recruits have already left for the dining area!”

Itdidn’tCeliatake long to pull on her red silk tablecloth dress and even less time for the guys to put on their napkin-sized loincloths.Soonthe three of them were sitting in the same spot they’d been in the night before in the large dining hall carved out of the trunk of theMotherTree.

“Nosmart remarks this morning,”Celiasaid toFierceas they all waited for theirMotherpot to fill with whatever it was they would be eating that morning.Eachof them had a bark cup of the thin, pancakes-and-syrup-tasting liquid from the large wooden caldron in the center of the room, thoughCeliafound herself reluctant to drink hers.Shestill didn’t know what effect it might have on her.

La’ver’nawas walking around the room, talking to the new recruits, many of whom were “worshipping their goddesses” before the meal officially began.Whenshe got to their spot, she frowned down at the three of them.

“Nipplesstillaren’t blue,Isee?” she asked, arching her eyebrows disapprovingly.

“Believeme, we triedeverything,”Fiercesaid and would have gone into details, ifHoldhadn’t given him a dig in the ribs with his elbow.

“Well, you clearly aren’t tryinghardenough,” the unicorn priestess snapped, glaring down at them. “Ifyou’re not producing the pleasure drops by tonight, we may have to do somethingdrasticmy dear,” she added, speaking toCelia.

Celiafelt like someone had just dumped a whole bucketful of ice cubes into the pit of her stomach.Somethingdrastic?Likewhat—feeding the three of them to theMotherTree?

Somehowshe managed to keep this question to herself but she sawHoldandFierceboth shooting her worried looks.

“Wecan talk about it later.Fornow, just hurry up and eat,”La’ver’nasnapped and moved on to the next group.


Butwhen they looked at the small woodenMotherpot again, it was filling itself with a pale blue substance that had the texture of very thick oatmeal.

“Hmmm…tastes like scrupled eggs,”Fiercesaid, after taking a bite.

“Whatkind of eggs, did you say?”Holdasked, frowning.

“Youknow—when they take the chicken embryos and they mix them all up before frying them?Scrupledeggs,” theDarkTwinrepeated.

Celiatried not to laugh.

“Ithink you meanscrambledeggs,” she corrected him and took a bite herself. “Oh, theydotaste like scrambled eggs.Withcheese in them,” she added.

Onceshe got past the strange texture, she found the flavor wasn’t too bad.Thoughit was difficult not to wonderhowexactly theMotherTreeproduced the nourishing substance.Celiareallyhoped it was some kind of byproduct of photosynthesis—not something derived from the slowly digesting bodies they’d seen onBranchFive.

Oncethat thought popped into her head, she found it impossible to eat another bite.Shepushed her bowl away only half eaten and reluctantly sipped the pancake drink because she was thirsty.

“Allright now,Iknow most of you know where you’re going but we have a few new recruits who need work assignments,”La’ver’nacalled, when most people had finished eating. “Listenup and be sure you stick with the other recruits from your assignment—they’ll show you where to go and what to do.”

Sheread off a list of names and people began leaving their individual groups and forming new ones, according to their work detail.