Page 77 of Unwrapped

“Wewill,”Holdpromised and then the three of them quickly retreated to the shower room.

Pastthe small doorway was a long, communal shower which felt more like a sauna toCelia—mainly because it was all carved out of the living wood and it had a warm, polished glow.Eventhe shower nozzles were wooden instead of metal.Theglowing moss on the ceiling cast a golden luminescence over everything, giving it an almost cozy look.

Butno matter how cozy it looked,Celiawas not charmed.Nowshe knew how theMotherTreeworked and what it fed on, she felt less like she was in a charming log cabin in the woods and more like she had rented anAirbnbin the bowels of a monster—a monster that would be more than happy to eat and digest her if it got the chance.

Still, they were stuck here for now, she reminded herself.Atleast as long as she was withHoldandFierceshe felt mostly safe.Sheknew the two big warriors would kill or die to protect her and that thought comforted her greatly.

Therewere rows of wooden pegs on the far wall whereCeliacould hang her red silk gown and the guys could hang their ridiculously small red silk loincloths.

“Fuckingsick of wearing that thing,”Fierceremarked as he hung his on a wooden peg. “There’sno fucking use in wearing it—it doesn’t cover a damn thing!”

“It’sbetter than being naked like the goat men,”Celiapointed out, trying not to look at his enormous shaft.

“Isthat what you call them?”Holdasked.


“Imean, sure—they look like goat men—or satyrs,Iguess.Whatelse would you call them?”

“Well,I’veheard some of them calling themselvesJoCostians,”Holdsaid. “Thoughthey call their females ‘JoCostillians,” he added.

“Sothey’re the natives ofJoCostaPrimeand then they came over here to form a colony onJoCostaTwelve?”Celiaasked. “Iwonder if their women look like goats too?” she murmured.

“Ohno—their females are the ones you see here.La’ver’naand theMistressofSilkand all the rest of the one-horned ones.”

“What, you mean the unicorn women?”Celiaexclaimed. “They’rethe female of the goat man species?”

“Unicornwomen?”Fiercefrowned. “Whatthe fuck is a unicorn?”

“Oh, it’s an animal fromEarthlegends,”Celiaexplained. “Itlooks kind of like a white horse only it’s got a single, spiral horn in the center of its forehead.It’ssupposed to have magical powers, like healing and neutralizing poison with the tip of its horn.”

“Inever saw any fucking unicorns whenIwent down toEarth,”Fierceremarked.

“Becauseit’s amythicalanimal,”Celiaexplained. “Peoplemade it up.”


“Whywould you make up animals when you have so many real ones already?”

“Arethe three of you showering in there or just talking?” cameGer’tha’svoice from the doorway. “Itold you, it’s almost time for lights out!”

“We’reshowering!”Celiacalled back.

She’dbeen holding the gauzy red gown in front of her in an attempt at modesty but now she hastily hung it on a peg and hurried to the shower nozzles lined up along the wooden wall.Shetried to turn the wooden knob to make water come out, but forgot that her right hand was hurt.

“Ow!Hijode puta!”she swore, yanking her wounded fingers away from the knob.

“Here, my lady—let me,”Holdmurmured.Hestepped in front of her and turned the knob, adjusting the spray until it was warm but not too hot and wide enough to encompass all three of them.

“Oh, thank you,Hold,”Celiamurmured, smiling up at theLightTwin.

“Happyto help,” he told her.

“Maybeyou’d better let us help you with other things too,”Fiercegrowled, coming up behind her. “Likewashing your beautiful body—since your hand is hurt,Imean,” he added quickly, seeingCelia’sskeptical frown.

“We’llbe very gentle with you, my lady,”Holdmurmured.Hetook her wounded hand and let the warm water flow over it, then turned it over and kissed her knuckles gently, his hazel-green eyes never leaving hers.

“Well,I…Iguess so.”SuddenlyCeliafelt breathless.Thereality of the situation hit her—she was wet and naked and standing between two equally naked, extremely muscular warriors—both of which were looking at her with half-lidded eyes.Also, the crazy sexual energy of theMotherTreewas buzzing through all three of them, making her feel as though her nipples and pussy were tingling, even though nothing was actually touching them.