“Youmay not have a choice, my lady,”Holdsaid softly. “Itsounds like we’ll need to at least stimulate your breasts to enable you to start producing the pleasure drops.”
“Idon’t want my breasts making some kind of weird drops!”Celiaprotested. “Can’twe justpretendI’mmaking them?”
“Wecan try,Iguess.”Holdsounded doubtful. “Butsince your nipples aren’t blue and that seems to be the visual sign that your breasts are producing the drops…”Hetrailed off, shaking his head.
“You’regoing tohaveto let us suck your nipples,lelka,”Fiercesaid bluntly. “Wehave to look like we’re at leasttryingto follow their ways, at least until we get the ship fixed.”
Celiabit her lip.
“But…how long do you think it will take?”
“Asbanged up as it was?”Fierceshook his head. “It’snot going to be an easy fix.Thatdestabilized wormhole did a fucking number on it.Wewere lucky to get out of it alive.”
“Iknow.”Celiashivered, remembering her absolute certainty that they were going to be torn apart and die during their terrifying ride. “Inever want to go through another wormhole again!” she said with feeling.
“I’mafraid you’ll have to if we’re ever going to get home,”Holdtold her. “Wormholesare usually very safe,” he added. “Andit sounds like the one we went through is usually safe too.Exceptfor every two hours when it destabilizes itself.”
“Usuallysafe?”Celiashook her head. “MadredeDios—that thing nearly killed us!”
“Well, it’s not going to matter what way we choose to get home if we don’t have a ship to go home in,”Fiercepointed out. “We’vegot to fucking play along with these people until we can get it fixed and get out of here.”
“Well…all right,”Celiasaid at last. “Iguess we can’t help it—you two will have to, uh, suck my nipples—at least whenGer’thacomes to check on us,” she added.
“Luckily, we should be able to hear her coming,”Holdremarked. “Sinceher hooves make sounds on the wood when she walks.”
“Sothe minute we hear her coming, the two of you start sucking my nipples,”Celiasaid.Sheshook her head. “Peterwill just have to understand—this is a matter of life or death!”
“Ittruly is,”Holdagreed. “Wemust do whatever we have to in order to survive and get our ship fixed.”
“Well,I’mnot going to sit here and pretendI’monly doing it to save our skins,”Fiercegrowled. “Ifuckinglovedsucking your ripe nipples, sweetheart, andIcan’t wait to do it again!”
“Fierce!”Celiaexclaimed, her cheeks getting hot with a blush.
“Anddon’t act like you don’twantus to suck your nipples either,” theDarkTwinwent on remorselessly. “Wecan smell how hot you are, little girl.Youwant us to suck you as much as we want to do the sucking.”
“Fierce, could youtrynot speaking your mind for once?”Holddemanded, looking irritated. “It’sclear thatCeliafeels conflicted about having to do this with us—do you have to make thingsworse?”
“Justtelling it like it is.”Fierceshrugged, his broad shoulders rolling. “Andif you weren’t so damnproperyou’d agree with me.”
“WhatIam trying to be isconsiderateofCelia’sfeelings,”Holdsnapped. “Andsince we’re trying to convince her that we’re a better choice thanPeter,Iwould think you’d try to do the same.You—”
“Shhh!”Celiaheld up a hand for silence and put her finger to her lips.
Assoon as they stopped talking atap-tap-tappingsound could be heard approaching them.
“Quick!Comehere—hurry!” she hissed at the two of them.Lyingback on the bed, she thrust out her breasts and motioned forHoldto come on her left side whileFiercelay on her right.
Theybarely made it into position and started sucking her nipples before the curtain at the end of the bed was thrown back andGer’thawas revealed, staring at them in obvious disapproval.
“Iheard noises of disharmony coming from this area,” she said, glaring atCelia. “Wereyou and your worshippers fighting?”
“Oh, no.Not…not at all!”Celiaexclaimed breathlessly.Shewas trying not to get overheated, but it was difficult because the feeling of two hot mouths sucking her nipples was almost overwhelming.Itfelt like they were sending showers of pleasure sparks straight down to her pussy, which was gettingextremelyhot and swollen.
“Thenwhat was thatIheard?Iknow it wasn’t sounds of pleasure!”Ger’thademanded, looking unconvinced.
“Oh, um, my guys were just deciding which one of them was going to…to taste me first,”Celiasaid quickly, trying to improvise. “They’reboth so…so eager to please, you know,” she added, and reached up to stroke her fingers throughHold’sandFierce’shair.Dios, they were making her so hot with their sucking!Ifonly theGuardianofRecruitswould go away and leave them alone so the guys could stop!
ButGer’tharemained where she was, her hooves planted solidly and her hands on her generous hips.