Theentire large room was partitioned off into many private areas by long strips of dark cloth that hung from the ceiling.Theeffect was that of anERwhere there were separate patient areas divided by curtains,Celiathought.Butthere was nothing sterile or cold about the dormitory—on the contrary, the fact that it was carved out of the living tree and lit by the golden, glowing moss made it seem warm and full of life.
Asthey passed several of the curtained off areas,Celiacould hear noises that sounded like moans and groans coming from inside.Atone of them,Ger’thastopped and pulled back the end curtain, revealing an extremely large, round bed with four people on it.
Butit wasn’t the strange bedCeliawas looking at—it was the people and what they were doing.
Oneof them was a unicorn woman—more like a unicorn girl since she looked younger than eitherLa’ver’naorGer’tha.Shewas maybe around eighteen or nineteen,Celiaguessed.Shehad pale skin and a long, straight platinum blonde mane.Shehad tiny breasts and large hips and thighs and the spiral horn in the center of her forehead was pearly white.
Theunicorn girl was surrounded by three different goat men and she was servicing all of them at once.
“Dios!”Celiawhispered, as she took in the details.Oneof the goat men was under the girl and she was sitting astride him with his thick cock thrusting up into her pussy.Thesecond goat man was taking her from behind, clearly thrusting into her ass.Thethird was kneeling near the unicorn girl’s head and she was sucking his long, red shaft vigorously.Infact, he seemed to be coming because it looked like she was swallowing his seed.
“Nowthisis a success story,”La’ver’naannounced. “Thisis littleSess’ely—she and her three worshippers came to us fromJoCostaPrime, which is the home world of our species.BecauseSess’elywas an innocent virgin, she was reluctant at first to let her worshippers pleasure her and stimulate her with their tongues and their cocks.Asa result, it took some time for her breasts to begin making pleasure drops.”
“It…it did?”Celiaasked.Herthroat was almost too dry to talk.Shecouldn’t believe she was watching this—again, it was like a live action porno taking place right in front of them!
“Indeed—she had some silly notion that it was wrong to let her worshippers take her and fill her with their cocks and their seed.Didn’tyou,Sess’ely, my love?”La’ver’naasked, addressing the unicorn girl.
Thegirl, whose name was apparentlySess’ely, finished swallowing and slipped the third goat man’s cock out of her mouth.
“Yes,Priestess,” she said shyly. “Oh…ah!”she added in a moan, since the other two goat men were still thrusting inside her.
“Butonce she got over that, her nipples turned blue and her breasts started producing the pleasure drops, as they ought to,” the unicorn priestess said.
Shepointed andCeliacould clearly see that the girl’s nipples were indeed the same bright blue asLa’ver’na’sand the other unicorn women they had seen as well.
“SometimestheMotherTree’svibrations are not enough—sometimes you must let your worshippers stimulate you in order to help your pleasure drops come in,”La’ver’nasaid.Shesmiled atSess’ely. “Goon, my dear—keep worshipping theGoddess.Areyou enjoying yourself now that you’ve finally allowed your worshippers to service you properly and fill you with their seed?”
“Yes,Priestess.”Thegirl nodded shyly. “Oh…oh!They…they hardly everstopservicing me,” she panted as the two goat men still fucking her appeared to speed up their rhythm. “Iwas…was afraid to let them at first.Butit feels so…sogood!Ohhhhheeeeeiiiigh!”
Thelast exclamation had a definite neigh in it and she tossed back her head, makingCeliathink she might be coming.ShesawHoldandFierceexchange a knowing look—they must be thinking the same thing.
“Well, well—let us leave them to their business,Ger’tha.”La’ver’naremarked and theGuardianof theRecruitsdrew the curtain closed, leaving the four in semi-privacy.
“Nowyou know what we like to see—and what it takes to join theSisterhoodofPeace,”La’ver’naremarked. “Allowingyour worshippers to service and pleasure you is pleasing to theGoddess.Ger’tha, do show us where our new recruits will be staying.”
Feelingshaken and unsure of what was going to happen next,CeliaandHoldandFiercefollowed theGuardianofRecruitsas she led them to the far corner of the room, which was actually more of a rounded area than a corner.Itwas surrounded on three sides by curtains—the fourth side being the wall of the tree.Throwingback the end curtain, she revealed a cozy-looking alcove with a big round bed large enough for all three of them to share.
Thebed itself seemed to be growing out of theMotherTree,Celiasaw.Itlooked like someone had carved the bed frame at the same time they hollowed out the room.Themattress looked somewhat lumpy, but when she sat on it, she found it was extremely comfortable.Itseemed to be filled with soft, spongy things as big as her hand that were surprisingly firm and supportive under her.
“Doyou like the living bed?”La’ver’naasked her asCeliashifted around on it.
“Yes, actually—it’s very nice,” she admitted.
“Itis still part of theMotherTree—as are all our furnishings,” the priestess informed her. “Inthat way, you can still feel her energy running through you, even as you sleep or pleasure each other.”
“Um, that’s really nice.”Celiawasn’t sure what else to say.NowthatLa’ver’nahad mentioned it, she realized that shedidstill feel the warm, sexy vibration running through her body as she sat on the bed.Itseemed like there was no way to get away from the indirect but intense stimulation.Shewished she could find someplace private to get herself off, but she didn’t know if that was possible.Privacy, along with modesty, seemed to be in short supply here in theSisterhoodofPeace.
“Yes, it’s really nice,”Holdsaid politely, sitting besideCeliaon her right.Fierce, sat down on her left but said nothing.TheDarkTwin’sshaft was really standing at attention, she couldn’t help noticing.TheMotherTree’svibrations must be affecting him andHoldtoo.
“I’mglad you’re happy with your space,”La’ver’nasaid. “Tomorrowyou will be given your work assignments but it’s too late tonight—there isn’t much time until our communal evening meal.Ger’thawill guide you to our meeting area.Butuntil then, mayIsuggest that you try again to get your pleasure drops flowing.Ireally cannot overstate their importance—youmust beproducing them before you can join theSisterhood.”
“Oh, er, all right.”Celianodded.
Ger’tha’swiry gray eyebrows shot up.
“Thislittle goddessisn’tproducing drops?”
“I’mafraid not.”La’ver’nashook her head. “Sheseems to have the same problem that poor dearSess’elyhad.Whichmeans she needs to be stimulated constantly until she begins producing and her nipples turn a proper blue.”