“Oh—Idofeel it!” she exclaimed as the muted tingling became more pronounced.Itseemed to travel from the soles of her feet up her legs and thighs and find its way straight to her pussy, where it acted almost like a vibrator set on its lowest setting.
“Itfeels good, right?”La’ver’nagave her a knowing smile. “Itaffects males as well, but its strongest effect is on women.Itis most effective in bringing a goddess into her full sexual powers.”
“I…IguessIcan see that.”Celianodded.Dios, just standing on the tree was making her feel alive all over…not to mention aroused.Thevibration had reached her nipples now and she could feel them going tight under the thin blouse she was wearing.
Andsince she wasn’t wearing a bra, because of the float dotsKathad given her, that meant that the points of her nipples were becoming extremely visible through the cotton fabric.
“Isee that theMotherTreeis already working on you,”La’ver’nasaid, nodding atCelia’sbreasts. “Asshe does on me as well,” she added, nodding down at her own bright blue nipples.Celiawondered if that was some kind of dye or if the priestess really did have blue nipples.Shehad noticed that the other women they had seen down on the ground also had blue nipples—maybe it was something they all ate or drank here that turned their nipples blue?
HoldandFiercefinished lowering the sky-lifter they had used and came to stand on either side ofCelia.
“Ah,Isee your worshippers are back,”La’ver’naremarked. “Theymust also remove their shoes and clothing—as well as their weapons.ButIwill take you to theMistressofSilksfirst.”
Asshe spoke, the two goat men came up to her and looked at her silently, as though waiting for directions.Celiacouldn’t help noticing that both of them had large, throbbing erections that rose almost to their navels—apparently theMotherTree’svibrations affected them too.
“Ahyes, my darlings,”La’ver’nasaid affectionately, turning to them. “Thisjourney is at an end andIdo not require your help to lead these three to their destination.SoIwill bid you goodbye for now, until we meet again.”
Thetwo goat men bowed silently and then did something which surprisedCelia.Bothof them bent down at the same time and each sucked one of the unicorn priestess’s bright blue nipples into his mouth.
“Mmm…yes!Suckhard, my darlings!”La’ver’namoaned, stroking their shaggy heads. “Takeyour reward.”Andthen she reached down and grasped their thick cocks—one in each hand—and began to slowly stroke them as they sucked her.
Thegoat men continued sucking her nipples for quite some time as she caressed their thick red shafts.Celiatried not to stare, but she couldn’t help feeling her own nipples getting tighter and tighter from the tree’s vibrations.Herpussy was feeling extremely hot and swollen too.
Wasthis some kind of power display the unicorn priestess was putting on?Orwas it a custom here in theSisterhoodofPeace?Shedidn’t know but it was extremely awkward watching the unicorn priestess and the goat men pleasuring each other—like watching some weird fantasy porn come to life.
Finallythe goat men appeared to have had enough.Theyrose, licking their lips, andLa’ver’nareleased their still-erect cocks.Thenboth of them bowed and trotted away, their hooves makingtap-tap-tappingsounds on the wood of the enormous tree branch.
“Whatthe fuck wasthatall about?”Fierceasked bluntly.HeandHoldhad been standing there watching too, but neither of them had said anything until now.
“Thatwas our custom here in theSisterhoodofPeace,”La’ver’natold him. “Whenevera journey starts or ends, a goddess and her worshippers take pleasure in each other.Thegoddess must offer her nipples to be sucked so that her worshippers can taste her pleasure drops and in turn, she strokes their shafts to show them that she appreciates their service to her.Itis a mutually beneficial arrangement,” she added. “Sinceit gives pleasure to all and brings a goddess and her worshippers closer together.”
“Ican, uh, see that,”Celiasaid and cleared her throat. “Butare…arewesupposed to do that too?”
“Whyof course not,”La’ver’nasaid. “Notdressed likethatanyway,” she added and the reliefCeliahad only begun to feel was immediately crushed. “Imust get you into some of our holy silks—as befits a goddess,” she toldCelia. “Asfor your males, they may go naked or wear a loin-cloth—whichever you choose for them.”
“Oh, uh,Ithink we’ll take the loin cloth,”Celiasaid quickly, casting a glance atHoldandFierce, who had bemused expressions on their faces.
“Verygood.Thenlet’s get you all dressed.Comewith me.”Andthe priestess led them further along the twisting tree branch, which was so wide it was like a road.
Largestructures had been carved from the wood at intervals andLa’ver’naled them into one of them.
“Thisis where we house our silks that the holy spiders spin for us,” she said. “Enterthat you may be arrayed as befits those who worship theGoddessof theShiningHeart.”
“Er, thank you.”Celianodded awkwardly and they all went into the wooden structure which looked like it had been carved out of a giant knot in the tree branch.
Inside, it was a bit like being in a log cabin, since all the walls were warm, exposed wood.Itwas lit by glowing golden moss on the walls which remindedCeliaa little of the jewel moss they had collected forKat—which was still in its stasis chamber back in the ship.
Therewas a wooden counter and behind it, a small doorway that led deeper into the little shop—if that was what it was, she thought.
Atonce another unicorn woman swept through the door and came to stand behind the counter.Shelooked a lot likeLa’ver’naexcept her eyes were a gorgeous sky blue instead of gold.Also, her hair was a flowing, curly mane that hung down to the small of her back instead of being up in a bun.
“Yes,Priestess?HowmayIhelp you?” she asked respectfully.
“Thesethree are new converts,”La’ver’nasaid, sweeping out one arm gracefully to indicateCeliaandHoldandFierce. “Theymust be dressed accordingly.”
“Butof course—all of you come with me.”TheMistressofSilksnodded briskly and went back through the doorway.