“Nowlook what you did!”
Holdfelt his heart sink, but he lifted his chin.
“No—it’s only right that she should know,” he told his brother.Heturned toCelia. “Yes, my lady—we broke the rules that state we may only touch you with some kind of fabric or barrier between us during ourHoldingWeek,” he told her. “Icupped your bare breasts in my hands andFiercerubbed his shaft against your bare pussy with nothing to separate us.Youmay, if you wish, end theClaimingPeriodright now.”
“ThenIthink…think maybe we should end it.”Celialooked down, her lovely dark eyes troubled. “Inever thought of myself as a cheater before last night,” she told them. “Andbelieve me—Idon’t blame either one of you—I’mjust as much at fault.ButI’mafraid if we stay together for an entire month,I’llruin everything withPeter.I’vealready gone a lot further thanIever meant to with the two of you.Wehave to stop now, before it’s too late.”
“What?”Fiercedemanded. “Youwant to go back to that sniveling, weak little human who’s never worked a day in his life and treats you like you’re his fuckingservant?”
Celialifted her chin and a dangerous glint came into her eyes.
“Yes—Iwant to go back toPeter.Heloves me for myself—he wants me.”
“Welove you!Wewant you!”Fiercenearly shouted, gesturing between himself atHold. “Andyouknowwe’ll treat you right—we won’t act like you’re a servant sent to wait on us hand and foot!Ortell you that you look fat and you need to lose some weight—because you fuckingdon’tneed to lose any weight!Orask you to ‘put on a happy face’ when you feel sad oranyof that bullshit!”
Buthis brother appeared to have gone too far,Holdthought.Celia’sface went from red to white and her tiny hands squeezed into fists at her sides.
“Youtwohavebeen spying on me through those damn dreams!” she stormed atFierce. “Whatelse did you see?Didyou watch the last time we had sex and it lasted less than a minute?”
“Sowhat if we did?”Fiercedemanded. “Wecan’t help what the dreams show us!”
“Youand your dreams can both fuck off!” she snapped.“Besami culoyou bigpendejo!”
Thenshe stormed off in the general direction of the grotto’s entrance.Fiercestarted to go after her, butHoldcaught his brother by the arm.
“No,Brother—let her go.Giveher some time to cool off,” he told him.
“Butshe’s being fucking unreasonable!”Fiercegrowled, his eyes flashing.
“Andyou think she’s in the mood to listen to your ‘reason’ now?”Holddemanded, arching an eyebrow at him. “Youshouldn’t have brought up all the bad things we saw about her fiancé in our dreams.Ithink youreallyoffended her.”
“Iwas just pointing out what an asshole he is!”Fierceraked a hand through his hair in a gesture of pure frustration. “Whycan’t she see he’s no good for her?Whycan’t she see that she’s supposed to be withus?”
“She’snot going to ‘see’ anything with you yelling at her,”Holdsnapped, losing his patience.Whywas his brother so bull-headed?Whycouldn’t he ever see when it was time to back away from a situation and give someone time and space?
“Fine.”Fierceglared at him. “I’llleave her alone…for now.Butshe’s being unreasonable and you fuckingknow it.Thatasshole fiancé of hers isn’t good for her andwe are.”
“Idoubt anyone hearing you shout at her would have gotten that impression,”Holdsnapped. “Nowhelp me finish packing so we can get out of here while it’s still daylight outside!”
Fiercegave him a look and he could feel his twin’s anger and frustration through theTwinBondthey shared.Butthis time he was too tired and too upset to try and make peace between them.Histwin might have ruined the only chance they had at securing the one female in the universe theGoddesshad set aside just for them—theirFatedMate.
Andat the moment,Holdwas in no mood to forgive him.
Theliftoff into space was a silent one.Itseemed that everyone was angry at everyone else,Celiathought.Sheknewshewas pissed off atFierce, who in turn was angry atHoldfor telling her they could end theClaimingPeriodbecause they had broken the rules.Holdalso seemed angry withFierce—at least, he wasn’t talking to his twin and would barely even look at him.Theymust have had a disagreement after she left them at their campsite, she thought.
Fiercewas clearly angry with her as well.AndthoughHoldwas calm and courteous towards her, he hadn’t called her “my lady” once since their fight.Hehad helped her from the grotto to the ship however and then buckled her harness before liftoff.Buthe acted like they were just friendly acquaintances—as though she hadn’t cried in his arms and admitted some of the most painful truths of her childhood to him the night before.
ButevenHold’sdistant behavior was better than the wayFiercewas acting.TheDarkTwinhad clammed up entirely and seemed to be pretendingCeliadidn’t exist.Hewouldn’t evenlookin her direction, though she was seated right between him andHoldin the front of the ship.Itwas like she was invisible to him.
Celiahad the urge to give theDarkTwina vicious dig in the ribs with her elbow—let him try and ignore her then!Butshe decided not to do it and just ignore him too.Ifthis was how he wanted to end things, then fine—let him.Theycould pretend like they’d never even known each other—never held each other in the night to keep warm…never opened up in a way she never had to anyone else…
StopitCelia!she scolded herself.Don’tbe ridiculous—you haven’t even knownFierceandHolda whole week.It’snot like they’re the love of your life—Peteris.Hewanted you—asked to marry you—long before those two showed up.Sostop acting like a baby and get over it.You’llbe home soon and you can just forget the last few days ever happened.
Soshe said nothing and kept to herself until they were up in space and headed for the giant multicolored wormhole that would take them home.