Page 38 of Unwrapped

“MaybeIdon’t want to play anymore,”Celiasnapped. “Andanyway, you can’t know everything aboutPeter’sfamily just from a few dreams!I’mstill just trying to find a way to fit in with them, that’s all.I’msureI’llmanage it eventually.”

“You’renever going to fit in with them because you have nothing in common with them,”Fiercepredicted. “Noneof them have ever worked a day in their lives—they just sit around being served without any idea of how hard it is to do the serving.”

“Idon’t want to talk about this anymore,”Celiasaid stiffly.

“Fine—shouldIask you something else?”Fiercesaid. “Sinceyou didn’t really answer my question aboutPeter’sfamily?”

“Fine,”Celiamuttered through a clenched jaw.Andto think, she’d been feeling so close to both of them!Nowshe wanted to elbow theDarkTwinin his hurt ribs again!Butsomehow, she held herself back.

“Allright—here’s another ‘Truth’ question,”Fiercesaid.Heleaned closer to her, his eyes glowing. “Haveyou ever been with two males at once before?”

“What?”Thequestion threw her,Celiahad to admit.Shenever would have expected it.

“Youheard me,”Fiercegrowled. “Answerthe question.”

“No—of course not!”Celiaexclaimed. “Whatdo you thinkIam, anyway?”

“Whatisthatsupposed to mean?”Fiercedemanded. “You’reacting likeIasked you something offensive.”

“Itis!Orat least, it’s not reallycommonamong humans,”Celiaprotested.

“Humanmales don’t have the biological need to share mates the way we do,Brother,”Holdremarked. “Ibelieve that many of them see a relationship with two males and one female as perverted in some way—simply because it isn’t natural to them.”

“Perverted?Whywould it be perverted?”Fiercegrowled.

“Becausebeing with two guys at once is kind of…Idon’t know,slutty.Atleast it used to be considered slutty—people are doing all kinds of things, these days,”Celiatried to explain. “Butstill, ifImet someone and she was in a relationship with two guys at the same time—two human guys, anyway—Istill wouldn’t think it was normal.Imean, good for her if that’s what she likes, but it’s definitely not for everyone, you know?”

“No,Idon’t know,”Fiercegrowled. “Howcan humans judge people for having a loving three-way relationship but justify putting children in dangerous situations with sexual predators?”


“Youknow, that’s a really good question.Idon’t know.”

“Ithink this game has gotten a little off track,”Holdsaid, looking down at her. “It’sbeen a while sinceCeliagot to ask a question.Whydon’tyouaskussomething, my lady?” he added courteously.

“Allright,Hold,” she said, feeling relieved. “TruthorDare?”

“Truth,” he replied. “Askme anything, my lady.Surelyyou must have questions about us.”

“Ohwell…actually,Idohave a question but it’s kind of personal.”Celiabit her lip.Shouldshe ask what she was thinking?

“Askthen.AnythingIcan answer,Iwill,”Holdpromised. “Nomatter how personal.”

“Well…”Celiasquirmed a little, aware all over again that she was naked between them. “I…Istill don’t understand how you two can, er,fitwith a human woman,” she said at last. “Imean, you’re both sobigandI’massuming your, er, equipment matches your size, so…”Shetrailed off, leaving her question hanging.

Toher surprise, both brothers began to laugh—low, rumbling chuckles that were impossible not to like, even if they did seem to be laughing at her.

“What?What’sso funny?”Celiaasked.

“Forgiveme, my lady,”Holdsaid at last. “Butit’s actually a very simple matter and you don’t have to be embarrassed to ask us.”

“WhosaysI’membarrassed?”Celiademanded, frowning up at them.

“Yourscentdoes,”Fiercesaid. “You’realmost as embarrassed as you were a minute again whenIasked if you’d ever been with two males at once.”

“Well…it’s kind of an intimate question,”Celiasaid defensively. “Andyoustillhaven’t answered it,” she added, looking up atHoldpointedly.

“Ohyes, forgive me.WeuseBondingFruit,” theLightTwintold her. “It’sa special kind of fruit that we’ve cultivated onTwinMoonsfor centuries—ever since theTwinKindredstarted sharing mates.Itallows a woman who eats it to, er, stretch and to take both her mate’s shafts without pain—no matter how big they are.”