“Fuckyou!” she heardFierceshouting as he shot. “I’llsend you to theSevenHells, you fucker—threatening my female!”
TheV’rannastarted roaring again, though there was a pained note in the deafening sound now.Itstaggered forward and wrapped its long arms around theDarkTwin, as though it would squeeze him to death.
“No!”Celiagasped, but she felt frozen to the spot.Shewanted to make the enormous animal letFiercego, but she had no weapon and her legs still felt as weak as water.Sheforced herself to get up anyway.Ifnothing else, she guessed she could kick its furry hide and try to distract it.
Fiercewas writhing in the massive beast’s grip, his feet kicking in the air and his bearded face going dark red as he struggled to breathe.Butwhen he sawCeliaapproaching on shaking legs, he shook his head violently.
“No—get back…Getaway!” he wheezed.
“Ican’t!”Celiawas crying harder now.Shetook aim with one of her furry red boots and kicked theV’rannain its shaggy back leg as hard as she could.Itmight be stupid and ineffectual, but she couldn’t just let it killFierce, could she?
TheV’rannadidn’t even look in her direction.Shemight have been a gnat buzzing around its ear—that was how much attention it gave her.
“Youasshole!”Celiasobbed.“Hijode puta—let himgo!”
Shewas about to kick the huge beast again but suddenlyHoldwas in the narrow passage beside her.
“Nameof theGoddess!” he breathed, when he saw what was happening. “Celia, get away from here!Getout and let me handle this!”
Celiadid as he said.Butshe couldn’t make herself stop watching—her eyes were glued toFiercein the grip of the beast andHolddrawing his blaster as she stumbled backwards, into the main corridor again.
“Hurry,Brother!”Fiercegasped. “Can’t…breathe!”
“Hangon—going to get you free,”Holdpromised.Thenhe took careful aim and shot directly at theV’ranna’sface.
Celiasaw one of the glowing yellow eyes go out and the beast howled so loudly it felt like the entire grotto shook.
“Letgo of him, you bastard!” she heardHoldshouting.Thenmore shots of brilliant blue light and finally the enormous creature went limp and collapsed, bearingFierceto the ground with it as it went.
“Get…it…off!”Fiercewas panting, his face barely visible under the furry blue hide. “Fucking…crushing…me!”
“I’llget it off you,Brother!Hangon!”Holdholstered his blaster and gripped the shaggy turquoise pelt.Withan enormous heave, he rolled the deadV’rannaoff theDarkTwin.
Celiawatched all of this happen, feeling like she was in a dream and everything was getting further and further away.Aftera moment, she realized that was because she was still backing up, backing away from the passageway where she andFiercehad nearly died.
Justas she realized this, she took another step back and her foot met only empty air.
Witha gasp, she felt herself falling backwards.Pinwheelingher arms madly did no good—her center of gravity was lost and she was going over.
Butwhat didItrip on?she thought wildly.
Andthen there was asplashand icy water was closing over her head.
Holdheard the splash but didn’t register, at first, what it was.ThenFierce, who was lying on the floor panting but still looking in the direction of the main corridor, gave a hoarse cry and raised a hand to point.
Holdturned his head so fast it felt like he might give himself whiplash.Hecouldn’t see down into the river’s channel but he could hear splashing and a weak cry for help.
Feargave his feet wings and he fairly flew to the river.Whathe saw when he looked down made his blood run cold.
Celiawas struggling weakly in the icy water and her face had already turned blue.
Holdwasn’t usually a cursing kind of male, but he cursed now.Theriver wasn’t fast but it was deep and she couldn’t swim.Hehad to get her out and quickly—before she either drowned or literally froze to death before his eyes!