Page 115 of Unwrapped

“Dios,not long agoIwould have saidIdidn’t believe in anyGodorGoddess,” she said, shaking her head. “Butnow…Iguess thereisaGoddessand she wants the three of us together.”

“Thefourof us.”Fiercewas still on his knees.Reachingup, he placed one big, warm hand onCelia’slower belly. “Thislittle girl is going to be our princess,” he promised, looking up at her. “She’sgoing to have everything she wants or needs andHoldandIare going to be the two best fucking fathers in the whole known universe,lelka—Iswear it!”

Celiacovered his hand with her own and smiled.

“Well, to start with, you have to stop saying ‘fuck’ all the time,” she told him. “Idon’t want our daughter having a potty mouth.”

“Didyou say ‘our daughter’?”Fierce’sdark eyes were suddenly shining with tears. “Did…did you hear that,Brother?” he asked, looking up atHold. “Shesaidourdaughter!”

“Yes, she did.”Hold’seyes were bright as well and he swiped a hand across his face.

IttouchedCeliato see both of her guys actually crying with joy—she was feeling pretty weepy herself.

“Oh,Fierce…Hold…”Shewhispered. “I’mso glad you two came back for me.”

“Weare too!”Stillon his knees,Fiercepulled her forward and buried his face between her breasts andHoldencircled her with his long arms, hugging her from behind.Andright there, in the middle of the sidewalk,Celiafelt completely surrounded by their love.

“Comeon,” she said at last. “Peopleare starting to stare—let’s get out of here.”

“Let’sgo home,”Holdagreed.HehelpedFierceto his feet and the three of them left together.



“Justgive me a minute to get out of this awful gown—here, unzip me, please.”Celiaturned toHoldand theLightTwinobligingly unbuttoned and unzipped the tight white wedding dress.

Celialet out a sigh of relief as the tight fabric parted.Itfelt sogoodto be able to get a deep breath again…and to be back inHoldandFierce’ssuite in theMotherShip.Shewalked into the bathroom with the long gown trailing behind her butFiercefollowed her anxiously.

“Justbe careful in there,lelka—don’t fall in the bathing pool!” he told her.

Celiashot him a look.

“I’llbe fine—Ijust want to get out of this gown and freshen up a minute.Ipromise not to go near the pool alone.”

“Good, because as soon as you’re ready, we want to resume ourClaimingPeriod,”Fiercetold her.Hegave her a hungry grin. “Ifyou’re up for it, that is.”

Surprisingly,Celiafound she was.Shehad missed her guys—missed the feeling of their big hands and hot mouths on her body and their hard muscles surrounding her.

“Thatsounds good,” she said, smiling up at theDarkTwin. “Butwhat do you mean, resume ourClaimingPeriod?Aren’twe past that now?”

“Notquite,”Holdsaid, also coming into the bathroom. “FierceandIwould like to pamper you, my lady.Wenever did get to do ourBathingWeek, you know.”

“Butyoudidwash me in the shower,”Celiapointed out. “Imean, back at theMotherTree.”Whichseemed a million years ago now.

“It’snot the same as bathing you in the bathing pool,”Holdsaid. “Anddon’t worry—I’mturning the temperature on the water down so it will be safe for the baby,” he added.

Celiasmiled.Sheknew that theLightTwin, being a doctor, was going to be extra careful of her unborn daughter.

“Thankyou,Hold,” she said. “Ifyou two will just give me a minute…”


Thetwo of them left, shutting the door behind them, andCeliawas finally able to pull off the huge, frothy wedding gown.

“Ugh—Inever liked that thing!” she muttered, kicking it into a corner and breathing a sigh of relief.

Shehad on a lacy white bra and panty set under it that she also wanted to remove.Shekicked the panties off first, but when she unclasped the bra, something that had been stuck down the front of it, between her breasts, fell out.