Page 110 of Unwrapped

“Fuck, you’re right!”Fiercewanted to punch himself in the face. “Whatan idiotIwas!” he groaned, raking a hand through his hair. “Nofuckingwondershe left us!”

“Wehave to get her back,”Holdsaid. “Nowthat we know what the problem is, we have to find her and tell her how we really feel.Howyoureally feel.You’dbetter get ready to grovel,Brother,” he added grimly.

“I’lldo it.I’llgo down on my knees to her,”Fierceswore. “Fuckinganything to get her back!Butwhere is she?Wedon’t even know where theJoiningCeremonyis being held.”

“It’sgoing to be atSt.Paul’sCathedralin downtownTampa,” a voice said from the door.

Boththeir heads jerked around andFiercesawKatstanding in the doorway of the exam room.

“Hello, boys,” she said, smiling. “Ijust came by to find somethingIleft here last night butIsee you found something too.”Shenodded at the wilted pink flower and the crumpled piece of paper whichFiercestill had in his hand.

“Wefound it in the trash,”Holdtold her. “Andit seemed logical to conclude thatCelialeft us because of it—because she found out she was pregnant withPeter’sbaby.”

“That’sexactlywhat happened,”Katconfirmed. “IknowLivcouldn’t tell you anything because of doctor/patient confidentiality.Luckily,Iamnota medical professional myself andIthink a big mistake is being made here.Youtwo need to go findCeliaand tell her how you really feel.”Sheraised her eyebrows at them. “Aslongas how you really feel is that you’d be happy to help her raise the baby she’s carrying, even though it’s not yours.”

“We’dbemorethan happy,”Fierceassured her hoarsely. “Thisis all my fault—CeliathinksIcan’t love her with another male’s baby in her belly.”

“Thenyou’d better go make sure she knows youcanlove her no matter what,”Kattold them. “LikeIsaid—the ceremony is atSt.Paul’scathedral at noon.Whichmeans…”Shelooked at the chronometer on her arm and shook her head. “Youdon’t have much time before she walks down the aisle and says ‘Ido’ toPeter.”

“Fuck!Thankyou,Kat!”Fierceexclaimed.Hegave her a brief hug andHolddid the same.

“Wishus luck!” he said. “We’regoing to do our best to win her back.”

Katsaid something butFiercedidn’t hear what it was.HeandHoldwere already rushing out of theMedCenterand down the corridor towards theDockingBay.

Theyhad to get toCeliabefore she tied her life to another male and left them forever!



Therewas a discrete rapping on the door of the little ready room andPeter’svoice called,

“Mummydear, are you in there?Bircherneeds to see us for a moment before the ceremony.”

“Ohright—Mummy’scoming!”MotherFrancescalled. “Butno peeking at the bride whenIcome out—you know it’s bad luck!”ShepattedCeliaon the cheek and smiled. “You’llbe fine on your own for a moment, won’t you dear?Justdon’t sit down—there’s a good girl.I’mafraid you’ll pop the zipper on that gown if you do.”

Thenshe hurried off, slipping through the door in her long, silver gown that looked much more elegant than the frothy wedding dress she’d picked forCeliato wear.

Celiafrowned as she watched her go.Whyin the world would she andPeterneed to talk to theThielgoodfamily lawyer not even an hour before the ceremony?Shouldn’the be getting into his tux and getting ready to walk down the aisle with her?

“Doyou really wish to know what the human you are about toJoinyourself to for life is talking about?”

“Huh?What?”Celialooked wildly around.Wherehad that voice come from?Therewas no one in the room with her, but she had heard it—plain as day!Shelooked at the full-length mirror at the end of the room, but saw only her own reflection.

“ItisI, theMotherofAllLife,”the voice informed her.

“Dios!Youmean theKindredGoddess?”Celiaasked in a quavering voice.Wasthis really happening to her right now?

“Thesame,”the voice confirmed.

“But…butIdon’t believe in anyGodorGoddess,”Celiaprotested.

“Donot trouble yourself about believing in me, daughter, forIbelieve in you,”the voice told her.Nowlook into the mirror andIwill show you what you are about to commit yourself to.”

Celiastared at the mirror.Fora moment she saw only her own reflection.Thenthe image of the unhappy woman in the too-tight wedding dress disappeared and another image took its place.

Suddenlyshe could seePeter, (already dressed in his tux,) his mother, and an older, balding man who she recognized asBircher, theThielgoodfamily lawyer.