Page 108 of Unwrapped

“Thankyou for understanding.”Herface went from stern to sympathetic as she looked up atHold. “Ican only imagine how hard this must be for the two of you.I’mso sorry she left but she was determined to go.”

“Well,I’mdetermined to find her!”Fierceexclaimed.

“Sheasked usnotto come after her,”Holdreminded him. “ShechosePeter—not us,Brother.”

“Fuckthat!”Fiercegrowled. “Comeon—we’re going down to that big, ridiculous domicile where we first picked her up.I’mgoing to get to the bottom of this if it fucking kills me!”



ButtoFierce’sdismay, there was no one at the huge, showy mansion onBayshoreBoulevard.Hepounded on the door and looked in every window but the place was dark and deserted.Thereweren’t even any of the stinkingEarthvehicles that ran on fossil fuels parked in the circular driveway.Itwas as thoughPeterThielgood—that fucking human rat—had packed up and left the place for good.

“Whereelse can they be?Wheredid he take her?”

Fiercepaced in front of their long range shuttle, running his hands through his hair.Hefelt half crazy with worry and anger.HowcouldCelialeave them like this, after they hadClaimedher?Andshe had consented to beingClaimed, he reminded himself.Howcould she give up on their love?Orhad she never really loved them at all?

No, that’s not true!Theway she gave herself to us last night…she couldn’t fake something like that.Theemotions we saw on her face…those were real!Iknow they were!

“Theremust be a reason she did this,”Holdsaid, breaking the agonized silence. “Somethingwe did—something we said.”

“Maybeit’s just because the little human fucker is rich,”Fiercegrowled, looking up at the huge, ostentatious domicile.

“No,Idon’t think that’s it.”Holdshook his head. “Itgoes back to whatCeliatold us back onTranqPrime—that he wanted her when no one else did.Maybeshe feels loyalty to him.Hewasthere before us,Brother.”

“Buthe treats her like shit!Andso does his family!”Fiercegrowled. “Wesaw it in the dreams we shared with her!”

“Itmust be our fault somehow.”Holdsighed. “Theremust be areasonshe left us.”

“Youare correct,Warrior.”

Thepowerful feminine voice surprised both of them.Fiercelooked around and saw thatHoldwas doing the same.Butthere was no one to see—just the feeling of an all-powerful presence surrounding them and the presence was mostdefinitelyfemale.

“Thetwo of you are very close to losing the femaleIset aside for you,”the voice continued.

“Goddess?”Holdfell to his knees andFiercefollowed his brother’s lead.Itcould be no other, he realized—it must beTheMotherofAllLifespeaking to them.

“Yes,Warrior—it isI, theMotherofAllLife,”she answered.“Youmust go back to the last place you saw your female.Thereyou will find the reason she left you.Afterthat, you must make your own decisions about what to do.Butdo not wait too long—by tomorrow noon, she will belong to another.”

ThentheGoddess’svoice stopped talking and her overwhelming presence faded.Buther visit had givenFiercehope.

“Youheard theGoddess!” he exclaimed to his brother. “Comeon—where was the last place we sawCelia?”

“TheMotherShip—theMedCenter.”Holdgot to his feet, looking stunned. “Celiaismeant to be with us,” he murmured, almost to himself.

“Whichmeans there must be hope!”Fiercegrabbed him by the arm.Comeon—let’s go find out what in theSevenHellsis going on so we can get her back!”



“Suckit in,Cecedear.Comeon—dotry a little harder!Ican’tbelieveyou gained so much weight in a single month!”

Celia’sMother-in-Law-to-be frowned at her in the mirror as she did her best to zip up the wedding gown.Theproblem was, she had ordered the gown a little too small in the first place—to giveCeliaincentive to “lose a little for the big day.”Sothe gown was tight to begin with and now that she’d put on a few pounds from the pregnancy, it was barely fitting at all.

Dios,Ilook like a sausage in a too-tight casing,Celiathought unhappily as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.Theface that stared back was unhappy and there were dark circles under her eyes.Theprofessional make-up artistMotherFranceshad hired had tried his best, but he couldn’t completely hide her lack of sleep.

Partof it was trying to sleep in a strange bed,Celiathought.Peterhad prudently whisked them all off to theDowntownTampaClub, which had private rooms for members.Peterhad rented the entire penthouse suite for the wedding party so everyone could stay together.