Page 107 of Unwrapped

“Ican’t,Kat.I’msorry.”Celiabalanced the notepad on her knee and began to scribble a hasty note.Itonly took a minute because there was no way she was going to let them know the real reason she was leaving—she didn’t want to go through that.Afterre-reading it once, she signed it and handed it toLiv. “Pleasegive them this—but onlyafterI’mgone.AndIdon’t want them following me, either,” she added. “I’mgoing to marryPeterand that isfinal.”

“Well…all right.”Livtook the note from her. “There’sa back way out of here that leads right to theDockingBay,” she added. “Weuse it sometimes when we have an emergency patient come up fromEarthwho needs to be seen immediately.”

“Thankyou.”Celiagot off the exam table and straightened her hospital gown. “Er,I’llget this back to you later.”

“It’sfine—you can keep it.”Livwaved a hand.Thenshe leaned over and gaveCeliaa hug. “Ihope you find happiness,” she murmured, before releasing her.

Kathugged her too.

“Areyousureyou won’t reconsider and at least talk to your guys?” she asked when she pulled back to look atCelia.

Celiashook her head.

“They’renot my guys—not anymore,” she said firmly. “I’mhavingPeter’sbaby—he’s the oneIbelong with.”

Andtrying to make herself believe it was true, she followedLivout of the exam room towards theDockingBay.

Thelast thing she did before leaving was to drop the little pink flower and the crumpled piece of paper that told theDNAresults of her baby in the trash can on her way out the door.



“Whatdo you mean she’s gone?Wheredid she go?Wholet her go?Whereis she?”Fiercedemanded, glowering atDoctorOlivia.

Holdwatched as his brother raged.Inside, he felt cold and distant—the loss of the woman they both loved hadn’t really sunk in yet.

“That’snot for me to say.”DoctorOliviacrossed her arms over her chest and frowned. “Infact,Celiaspecifically wanted menotto tell you two anything.Thoughshedidleave you this note,” she added, handing it toHold.

Holdtook it and glanced at it.Shakinghis head, he passed it toFiercewho snatched it and read it as well.

“Butthis doesn’t tell usanything!”he exclaimed, shaking the note atDoctorOlivia.

Infact, the noteCeliahad left them said very little.

“DearHoldandFierce,”it read.

“I’mso sorry to do this to you, butI’mafraid we have to part ways.Thankyou for all the wonderful adventures we had butIhave realized that we can’t be together.Iam going back to marryPeterandIam asking younotto follow me.Ihope that in time you two will find the right girl for you, but that girl can never be me.


Celia. “

“That’sit?That’sall she has to say?Aftereverything we went through together?”Fiercedemanded.Heraked a hand through his hair. “Howcan she talk about ‘all the adventures we had together’?Adventuresmy ass!Wewere nearly fuckingkilled—several times!Weloveeach other!”

“Apparentlynot enough,”Holdheard himself say.Hestill felt cold inside—as though a thin layer of ice was slowly covering his heart.

Celiawas gone and she hadn’t even stopped to say goodbye.Instead, she’d left them a note—a cool, calm little note that gave no reason for her departure and wished them well, as though they were all work colleagues that had been to a team building exercise together instead of three people who were desperately in love.Itsaid nothing of the nights they’d held her between them, the pleasure they’d given each other, the way she had given herself so freely to him andFiercejust the night before when they hadClaimedher sexually…

“Something’swrong!Somethinghappened during that last wormhole ride!”Fierceexclaimed. “Shechanged—something got broken to her brain.Andyoujust let her run off, back down toEarthwhile she was all messed up!” he shouted, poking a finger atDoctorOlivia.

DoctorOliviadrew herself up and glared at him.

“Iunderstand that you’re upset right now, soIwon’t call security—ormy husband,CommanderBaird,” she said. “Iwilltell you thatCeliaseemed to be perfectly sound cognitively whenIexamined her.Iwouldn’t let a patient who was impaired in any way leave theMedCenter.”

Holdrealized that it was time to step in before his hot-headed brother caused a serious problem.Kindredwarriors were extremely protective of their mates—even when it came to otherKindred.IfDoctorOliviafelt the need to call herBeastKindredhusband to deal withFierce, there was going to be bloodshed.

“Ofcourse you wouldn’t,DoctorOlivia,” he said, stepping between her andFierce. “Weknow what a consummate professional you are.Celiamust have had a reason to leave us, and that reason lies withus—not with you.”