Page 105 of Unwrapped

“No—we were supposed to do that when we got back here and had access to someBondingFruit.”

“Oh,Ican get you some of that!”Katopened her purse and pulled out a little vial of something that looked like apricot juice. “Hereyou go—BondingFruitextract.Ialways carry some with me, in case my guys andIwant to go someplace exotic on the fly.I’dhate to be caught without the means to have fun with them.”Shegiggled.

“ThanksKat, butI’mstill working on the other problem,”Livremarked.Shelooked atCelia. “Ithink maybe we’d better give you a pregnancy test.”

“Apregnancy test?”Celiafelt shaken. “I…Iguess that makes sense,” she said at last. “Imean, all the time in the back of my headI’vebeen thinking…wondering…”

“Here—just pull up your sleeve.”Livwas already getting her equipment ready.Quicklyand skillfully she piercedCelia’svein and drew two vials of blood which she popped into a small machine about the size of a coffee maker.

Themachine hummed and buzzed to itself for a few minutes as they all watched in tense silence.Thena single flower slid out of the silver slot and intoLiv’spalm.

“Aflower?Yourpregnancy test gives youflowers?”Celiaasked, frowning.

“Yes—isn’t it neat?”Katsmiled. “Andlook—you got a pink one!Youknow what that means!”

“No,Idon’t.”Celiafelt nearly faint with worry. “Dios—please, hurry up and tell me!”

“Apink flower means you’re having a girl,”Livexplained, smiling.

“A…a girl?”Celiabit her lip. “ButIthoughtKindredalmost always had boy babies.”

“Theydo,”Livadmitted. “Thoughtherearerare exceptions.Ifyou’re worried about being able toBondwith your guys while you’re pregnant, don’t be,” she added. “It’sperfectly safe at this stage in the pregnancy.AndBondingFruithas actually been found to begoodfor the unborn baby.”

“I’mnot worried aboutBonding.Can…can you tell who the baby’s father is…orfathers?”Celiaasked, hoping against hope.

“That’swhyIdrew a second vial of blood.”Livpressed another button on the machine and a tiny strip of paper unspooled from it.Sheglanced at it for a moment and then passed it toCelia.Onit was her name and a few printed words.

“CeliaAlvarez.Pregnantwith one female fetus, 100% humanDNA,”it read.

“MadredeDios,”Celiawhispered, looking down at the paper through eyes that were suddenly blurry with tears. “Thismeans the baby isPeter’s, doesn’t it?Imean, there’s no way at all it could beHold’sandFierce’s.”

“I’mafraid that’s exactly what it means,”Livsaid gently. “Isthat a problem?”

“Aproblem?”Celianearly laughed, but it turned into a sob.Shecouldn’t forget all the remarksFiercehad made about her “having another male’s stupid human baby.”Therewas no way theDarkTwinwould want to raisePeter’sbaby as his own.Holdmight be willing to, but she knewFiercewould hate it.

Shesupposed she could terminate the pregnancy, but that just didn’t sit right with her.She’dfelt unwanted and unloved her whole childhood and she’d promised herself if she ever got pregnant she would love and cherish the baby, no matter what.

Buthow could she break the news toFierceandHold?

Ican’t do it—Ican’t face them,she thought as she began crying in earnest.Shewas aware thatKatandLivwere trying to comfort her, but she was crying too hard to speak.Over—her life with the two big warriors wasover.Shewould have to go her own way and raise this baby on her own.Butthe thought that her daughter wouldn’t have a father hurt terribly—especially when she remembered how she’d felt abandoned by her own father.

Justthen there was a buzzing sound from the speaker in the corner and a voice said,

“Excuseme,DoctorOlivia?Areyou in there?”

Liv, who had been rubbingCelia’sback, looked up.

“Yes?Whatis it?I’min the middle of a patient consultation.”

“Sorryto bother you,Doctor,” the voice said apologetically. “Butthis isCommanderGerrinfromCommunications.Wehave the fiancé of your patient on a call fromEarthand he wants to talk to her.YouareseeingCeliaAlvarez, right?”

“Yes, but—”Livbegan.

“Is…is itPeter?”Celiainterrupted her. “Ishe the one calling?”

“Er, yes—PeterThielgoodcalling forCeliaAlvarezandIwas told she was in theMedStationwithDr.Olivia,” the voice confirmed.

“CanItalk to him?”Celiasniffed and blotted her eyes on the voluminous sleeve of the exam gown.