Page 104 of Unwrapped

Celiatried to smile at him, but she couldn’t help feeling guilty.She’dleftPeterwith the promise that nothing would happen between herself and the two bigKindredand now she had to tell her fiancé that she was leaving him for them.Itwas going to be anextremelyawkward conversation.

“Well, you all seem to be fine despite your ‘wormhole adventures,’ but we’d still like to get you checked out—just to be sure you’re healthy,”CommanderSylvansaid, clearly trying to change the subject.Helooked atHold. “Iknow you’re a doctor,CommanderHold, butI’dprefer to check the three of you myself, if you don’t mind.”

“Notat all.”Holdnodded. “Iagree—it’s better to have someone impartial do the exam.”

“Er…excuse me.”Celiacleared her throat. “Ihope you don’t take this the wrong way, butI’dprefer to have a female doctor,” she said toCommanderSylvan.

“Oh, of course—let me call someone for you.”Henodded professionally. “Justone moment.”

Inshort orderCeliafound herself sitting on the exam table in another room at theMedCenterwithKat, who had come to meet them in theDockingBay.

“Youfeeling all right, doll?”Katasked, giving her an anxious look. “IswearInever meant for so many crazy things to happen to you whenIasked you and your guys to go get that jewel moss!”

“I’mokay,”Celiaassured her. “Atleast,IthinkIam.It’skind of a shock coming back and realizing thatIhave to tellPeterI’mnot going to marry him on the actualdayof our wedding.”Theconsultation withCommanderSylvanhad taken awhile—it was now 1AMin the morning onChristmasEveand she was supposed to be getting married at noon.

“Youlook kind of pale,”Katobserved, frowning. “Isit just that you’re worried aboutPeter?”

“Well, no,”Celiaadmitted. “Ifeel strange—offsomehow.It’shard to explain, but it started as soon as we exited the wormhole for the last time.”

“Whatstarted?” a new voice said.Lookingup,CeliasawKat’sfriendLivcoming into the exam room.Shewas wearing a white lab jacket and she looked sleepy but professional.

“Oh—are you a doctor?” she exclaimed. “Ihad no idea!”

“Guiltyas charged.”Livgave her a friendly smile. “Nowstart again please—it sounded like you were tellingKatabout a problem?”

“Oh, right.Well…”

Celiawent over the details briefly—how they had gone through the wormhole as it was in the act of destabilization and how she had felt strange immediately afterwards.

“Ithrew up and nowIfeel bloated and weird,” she admitted. “AlmostlikeIdo whenI’mhaving my period—exceptI’mnoton my period andIshouldn’t be for another couple of weeks.”

“Butdidn’t you just skip more then three weeks forward in time?”Livasked, frowning. “Inwhich case, you actuallyskippedyour period.Orelse you missed it.”

“MadredeDios,you’re right!”Celiabit her lip. “Doesthat mean…no.No, itcouldn’tmean that,” she muttered to herself.

“Couldn’tmean what, doll?”Katasked anxiously.

“Well, it’s just that the reason we were traveling through wormholes instead of folding space in the first place was becausePeterandIhad unprotected sex—remember?You’rethe one who told me to take them,”Celiareminded her.

“Unprotectedsex?Withwhoagain?”Livasked, leaning forward.

“Er, with my fiancé,”Celiasaid. “Butalso with…withHoldandFierce,” she admitted. “Ididn’t mean to do that though—it justhappened.Imean, we were put in a situation where wehadto, uh, do it,” she tried to explain.

“Don’tworry, doll—there’s no judgment here,”Katassured her.

“Noneat all,”Livagreed. “Sowhen did you have unprotected sex with your fiancé?”

“Iwant to say a week ago butIguess it’s more like a month ago now,”Celiasaid.Sheshook her head. “Thistime jumping thing is so weird!”

“Andwhat about withFierceandHold?”Livasked.

Celiabit her lip.

“Lastnight.So…three weeks ago,Iguess.”

“Okay.Anddid you have sex with both of them at once?Imean, did youBondwith them?”Livasked her.

Celiashook her head.