Page 28 of Unwrapped

“Wedo—thanks toCommanderSylvan.”Holdnodded and dug something that looked like a kind of clear iPad out of the backpack he’d brought.Hetapped it and it came to life, showing a schematic of the underground space with several lighted dots on it.

“Isthat us?”Celiaasked, pointing to the blue dot at the bottom of the map.

“Yes—that’s us,”Holdconfirmed.

“Thenwhat are the red dots, way up there?”Fiercedemanded, looking over his brother’s shoulder to point at the top of the map.

“Thoseare the areas whereCommanderSylvanthought it was most likely the jewel moss could be found,”Holdtold him.

“Idon’t know the scale of this map, but they look pretty far away,”Celiasaid doubtfully.

“Unfortunately, they are.Idoubt we’ll get there and back again in an hour—but we can try.”Holdshouldered the backpack again and nodded at them. “Comeon—let’s get going.”

“Allright—you lead the way with the map andI’lltake the rear,”Fiercegrowled. “We’llkeepCeliabetween us for safety.”

Celiathought about protesting that she could take care of herself, but then she remembered that they were on an alien planet in an abandoned, possibly haunted cave and decided to keep her mouth shut.Shefell into line behindHoldwithFiercebringing up the rear and they began their trek.



Fiercedidn’t like the fucking grotto—not oneGoddess-damned bit.Celiawas right, he decided—it felt haunted.

Theystuck mostly to the main corridor butHoldwanted to try a few of the domiciles, which branched off of it, just to be sure they weren’t missing the moss.Thosewere the places thatreallygaveFiercewhat he’d heard humans call “the creeps.”

Everywherethey went, they saw evidence of the people who used to live here.Therewere empty bowls and cups gathering dust on the tables, discarded clothes and toys in the corners, and blankets of dust on the couches and beds.

Ifthat wasn’t bad enough, he kept thinking he heard something creeping up behind them.Helost count of the times he turned his head and scanned the passageway to be sure the three of them weren’t being followed.Itwas always the same though—nothing.Justdust and shadows.

Fiercehoped they could find the damn moss and get out quickly.Hehad a bad feeling about this mission and it was only getting stronger with every step he took.



Afterthe fifth domicile they’d checked without finding any moss,Holddecided to stick to the map and walk along the main corridor until they found the areasCommanderSylvanhad marked for them.Itfelt too eerie to walk into places where long-dead families had lived and examine the abandoned spaces they had left behind.

Also, he could tell thatCeliadidn’t like it.Herscent was sharp with fear and she was jumpy, looking all around her and glancing over her shoulder constantly—as wasFierce.

Weneed to find the moss and get out of here soon,Holdthought.

Hewas beginning to have a bad feeling about this grotto—a sense of danger.Andit was growing stronger with every step they took…



JustasCeliawas beginning to wonder if they wouldeverfind the damn jewel moss, she saw a faint glow coming from a corridor up ahead, which branched off from the main hallway.

They’dbeen exploring different apartments—or “domiciles” as the guys called them.Theywere spaced at regular intervals along the corridor—some of their doors still open, as though the people who had left were in too much of a hurry to even shut the door behind them.

Holdwas in one of the domiciles now butCeliahad decided not to go in—it was too spooky for her.Fiercehad stayed outside with her—it seemed they had decided that one of them always had to be with her to protect her.Whichwas silly,Celiathought.Sofar they’d seen nothing worse than shadows and dust.

Butnow she was seeing what shethoughtmight be the moss!

“Look—over there!”Shepointed and then hurried forward, jumping carefully over the channel in the middle of the corridor where the river ran.

“Youthink you see something?”Fierceasked, following her. “Waita minute—be careful,lelka!”