“Inthe meantime, we hope you’ll enjoy the hospitality of theMotherShip,”Sylvansaid politely. “We’revery happy to have you.Infact,Kathas already told me she wants to hire you to help decorate theMotherShipforChristmas,” he added, nodding toKat.
Wow—Katworked fast!ButCeliacouldn’t help brightening up.
“That’sright.Ihave my own design firm—ElegantInteriors—andIloveHolidaydecorating.SoI’dbe happy to help.”
“Wonderful!LetKatknow what you need and she’ll get you all set up.”Sylvannodded at her and then moved on to talk to someone else.
“Well,Iguess that’s it, hon.I’msorry you couldn’t get out of it,”Sophieremarked.
Celiasighed and then lifted her head with determination.
“That’sall right.I’mnot going to let it get me down.AtleastIhave a fun project to do whileI’mup here.”
“Andyou have twoKindredwarriors who want to get to know you,”Livpointed out, nudging her gently with an elbow. “Maybegive them a chance.Theymight surprise you.”
“EvenifIwasn’t engaged,Idon’t think that would be the case,”Celiasaid. “Imean,Holdis very nice and of courseIlike that he’s a doctor.ButFierceis just so…Imean, we haven’t gotten along right from the start.”
“Ihad the same trouble with myDarkTwin,”Katremarked. “DeepandIbutted heads from the get-go.Butwe found our way to each other eventually.”
Celiacouldn’t imagine “finding her way” toFierce, but she nodded politely.
“SpeakingofDarkTwins, here comesFiercenow,”Sophiemurmured.
Lookingup,Celiasaw the dark warrior striding over to them.Somehowhe looked even bigger when they were all standing around the open parkland at the center of theMotherShip.
“Yes,Fierce?Whatis it?” she asked, looking up at the enormous warrior defiantly.
“Holdsent me to get you,” he growled. “Seemsyou have a call from your fiancé on the viewscreen.Oursuite isn’t far from here—do you want to come take it?”
“Oh,Peter’scalling me?I’dbetter go!”Celiaexclaimed.Shelooked at the other women. “Ican come back later and help clean up,” she offered. “Ihate to leave you all with the mess.”
“Areyou kidding?Wedid most of the cooking—the guys are going to clean!”Livlaughed.
“Webelieve in a fair division of labor here aboard theMotherShip,”Lauren, who had been mostly silent, added with a smile. “Myman,Zairn, helps out around the house on a regular basis.”
Celiacouldn’t imagine the hugeScourgewarrior with his burning red-on-black eyes helping with the dishes or the vacuuming, butLaurendidn’t seem to be kidding.MaybetheKindredreallydidhelp around the house—which would make them considerably different from just about every other man she’d ever met.
“Havea good night, doll.”Katgave her a kiss on the cheek. “Comesee me around nine tomorrow.Wecan have breakfast and discuss how we’re going to decorate.”
Celiapromised she would, and then followedFierceover the rolling parklands toward the tram station so she could take the call from her fiancé.
Shejust hoped thatPeterwouldn’t be too upset, since there was clearly no way around it—she was going to have to go through theClaimingPeriodwithHoldandFierce.Therewas just no getting out of it.
“Ihope you know how upsetting this has all been forMummy!”Thepuny human male was glaring from the viewscreen as though the fact that she couldn’t get out of theClaimingPeriodwas allCelia’sfault. “Imean, you absolutelyruinedherThanksgiving.Ruinedit!”he added for emphasis.
“I’msorry, butIdon’t know—”Celiabegan.
“Look,I’lllethertell you.Mummy?”PeterThielgoodcalled to someone off screen—presumably the snooty human female who had argued with them at the door when he andHoldcame to pick upCeliain the first place,Fiercethought.
“Whydoes she let him disrespect her like that?” he muttered toHold, feeling frustrated.Thetwo of them were standing in the hallway between the bedroom and the living area, where the viewscreen was mounted over the glassed-in firewall which danced with blue and gold flames.TechnicallyCeliahadn’t asked them to leave, but they had retreated some to give their prospective bride a bit of privacy.Still,Fiercecouldn’t help commenting on what they were seeing.
“That’sherbusiness,”Holdreminded him in a low voice. “Notours.”