Page 23 of Sally Jones


“I’ll place you at thirty-two, a jaded old man taking a break from chasing after rare old books, or something.”

One of his legs touched mine under the table. “Another glass of wine? Or would you like to walk somewhere else for a drink?”

I stood up. “Thank you, but I’m worn out. My light’s out by eleven, at the latest, and I was up early this morning. Thank you for the company and very nice pinot.”

He got to his feet. “Goodnight, Sally. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, like a European, and I kissed his as an afterthought, relishing the zings from touching him.

In my room, showered and cozy in my pjs, I stared at the phone with Javier’s messages. Of course there was nothing from Hank.

I hadn’t called my mother after all, and resolved to be careful. I missed her terribly, and my father too, and also had the sense of being completely untethered. Whatever I did, the people that mattered most to me weren’t here to witness it. They were still getting over the last upsetting thing I’d done. I sighed.

Sally: Hello Bestia. I’m thinking. Maybe I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

Javier: Bella! Okay. Tomorrow my princess. Will you at least tell me what state you are in?

Sally: Oregon.

Javier: Oregon? I have never been to this place. Okay I see now on this map that you are north of California. I can do this.

Javier: This place is horrible without you, my Bella. I must go to see you! Say yes to me please.

Sally: Goodnight. I miss you too.

Javier: Dream of me. Goodnight, Bella.

The next day was a whirlwind.I’d lucked out and found an interior decorator willing and ready to take me on. I’d already examined her website and portfolio and read customer reviews. We met in the morning. In person she was a sharply dressed and graceful woman, with her black hair cropped short. Her light linen dress set off her dark skin and she knew just what to do with makeup.

“All right,” I said. “I’m putting myself in your hands, Michelle. I’m leaning toward the bright and beachy mood board to help me get through what I heard are rainy winters. None of that kitschy beach vacation home stuff—it has a time and place. I want more of a curated feel. Throw in some fun and funky too. And show me whatever when inspiration hits.”

Michelle nodded decisively and got busy measuring. We’d been emailing ever since I’d offered for the house so the ball was well and truly rolling. She was taking it all on, including the outdoor pool area.

I rubbed my hands together then ran out to buy a mattress set. They’d deliver it the next day. I tackled more shopping, focusing on the laundry room and bathrooms.

Eventually, I sat by myself at a little table at one of the restaurants on my list of places to try. Alone. Sunlight sparkled off my crystal water glass. My willpower shattered.

Sally: I’m in Eugene. If you come we’ll see what happens.

I sent him my address then closed my phone. It wasn’t until I’d finished eating that the burner phone lit up with new messages.

Javier: Yes! Wait for me Bella. Two or three more days…

Javier: These people think I am a slave! I can’t wait to leave this place. As soon as I can I will come to you.

There were so many things to do and my list only got longer. I had to spend time in a bank setting up my very complicated money situation. I did come away with one objective achieved: a credit card for Antonio, with a five-thousand-dollar limit. I would watch his spending like a hawk while encouraging his creativity. The house chef would hopefully be willing to prepare our first barbecue that weekend.

I stopped by the bar that evening for a glass of wine. Peter was there, at our same small table.

“Just a quick sip for me tonight,” I said, tossing my bag on a chair. “I’m run off my feet. Setting up a household is a hero’s work.”

He snorted. “Not something I’ve bothered with in a while.”

“Antonio is obsessing about how everything is arranged in the kitchen cabinets. I was afraid to walk in there. Downstairs there’s a cold war going on over the bathrooms. Layla’s intensely territorial about her vanity space. Dillan keeps hauling in more workout equipment and is setting up a substantial gym on the back patio.”

“I’m betting you’ll join him.”

“True. Well, I ordered an exercise bike for down there. Here I am rambling away without even a single question. How are you?”