Page 115 of Sally Jones

A warm gust of air rushed over the beach, making the palm tree next to our chairs wave its fronds. Ocean waves crested and fell on the sand in front of my feet.

“I’m thinking I’ll go for my JD.”

“A lawyer?” asked my mother, her eyebrows raised up above her sunglasses.

“Yes. With a focus on nonprofit work.” I tapped my fingers on my chair. “I’ll see where it takes me, but I think being a lawyer would suit me.”

Amber was nodding. “I can totally see that.”

Mama was smiling. “Wow. That would be wonderful.”

“I’m guessing Hank wants babies,” I said. They both gaped at me. “He’ll be an awesome stay at home daddy—don’t you think? My trophy hubs.”

“Babies?” Amber squeaked.

Mama had her hand over her mouth. “Oh, Sally.” She sucked in a shuddery breath.

I fanned myself with my big sun hat. “Well, we screw at least four times a day, so it’s bound to happen sooner or later.”

Mama started coughing. Amber put a hand over her eyes. “Damn, girl,” Amber said. “Don’t you get sore?”

I shrugged. “Not for long. He worries about it more than I do. Anyway, I’d rather do something fun and not be pregnant when I tie him down.”

“What am I going to do with you?” Mama said, with her eyes closed.

“Help me organize a destination wedding.” I speared a piece of mango. “Well, if he says yes.”

“You’re ready to be married again, honey?” Mama looked me over.

I smiled. “Being partnered up makes me happy. Even starting to love his temper—it’s sexy. I figure when a person moves two thousand miles to be with you, and has loved you for years despite your obvious flaws, they’re pretty dang special. But, yeah, I am—if it’s Hank.”

“He’s a good man.”

“The best,” I said. “Okay, your turns. Mama, are you selling that house?”

“Not right now.” She smoothed out her skirt over her legs. “We like the new neighbors and it’s home. Besides, who knows where you’ll end up.”

“I sure don’t know. Maybe Hank and I will follow Amber around. What’s next for you, shug?”

“Mario’s coming to meet my family. We’re flying to Austin from Honolulu.” She inhaled, her shoulders tense. “He brought up living together. I don’t know, he’s a little slobby—wanders off to write and leaves his dirty dishes in the sink.” She smiled, her cheeks round, and her eyes bright. “I think I’m excited though.”

That evening, Hank and I went to Kapalua Bay Beach to watch the sunset. He had on the linen Hawaiian shirt I’d bought him the day before, board shorts, and a big straw hat.We slipped off our shoes and walked across the golden sand, holding hands.

“You’re quiet,” he said, his warm brown eyes searching my face. “Feeling all right?”

I tossed my hair back; it was a little clumpy from our snorkeling that afternoon. “Worried I’m pregnant?”

He stopped walking, his eyes wide. “Are you?”

I shrugged. “Don’t think so.”

“You’re such a devil.” He closed his eyes. “Not that I’d mind—in fact…”

Clicking my tongue, I wrapped my arms around his waist. “What if they all turn out like me? You’d be overrun.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his neck.

He laughed. “I’d manage. Oh, that tickles.”

We leaned on each other, facing the huge orange half circle of sun sinking below the ocean. “I love you,” I said.