Page 84 of Sally Jones

“Stalker,” I tried to shout, but it came out a croak. My arm moved up and my hand pointed at Miller. A gun came out of his pocket, gripped in his hand. “Stalker!” I shouted.

I was frozen—did I run for a Taser? Or at least run?Yes.My feet stumbled sideways, and I shouted, “He has a gun. Red hat has a gun!”

People started screaming and running into each other while side tables crashed on the patio. Miller moved closer and his arm came up to point the gun right at me. Forest charged Miller’s side. I dove toward the patio and out of his line of sight.

Then there was a massive splash in the pool and more screaming. The music was blasting and people were running past me into the house. I grabbed the Taser hidden in the deck box and put my back against the wall.

Miller’s red hat was floating on the water. I leaned out and spotted Forest in the pool, hunched over like he was hurt. Miller had swum to the side and crawled out, dripping gun still in his hand. He plunged through chairs and people toward the fence. After a quick look over his shoulder, he shoved the gun in his waistband, and then jumped up to grab the top of the fence and started climbing over.

Heart hammering in my chest I ran forward, Taser in my hand. Amber shouted my name. Miller turned his head and saw me. His eyes widened as I raised my weapon and closed the distance between us, shoving by people and through deck chairs.

I got off a shot, the recoil ricocheting back into my arm like a punch as the probe shot out in front of me and landed on the fence below Miller’s foot. He disappeared over the top.

“Shit.” I dropped the Taser and ran toward the house to see what he was driving and if I’d slowed him down. There were too many people. The music shut off abruptly. By the time I got to the stairs and had run up to a window on the second story, there was no sign of Miller in the road.

I dropped to the ground, shaking. My phone was buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and called Tyrese.

“Yep?” he answered.

“Miller was just here,” I said, still gasping. “With a gun. He was pushed in the pool and then he ran.”

“Be there in twenty,” he said tersely and hung up.

Amber ran in and found me as I texted everyone in the house that Miller was gone, as far as I could tell.

“Oh, dear Lord,” Amber said, hunching over. She collapsed next to me and put her head between her knees. “Why the hell did you run after him? I about had a heart attack.”

I leaned my head on her shoulder and pressed a hand against my chest. “That damn asshole. I almost had him.”

Amber snorted, then cackled, hugging me tight.

I covered my eyes as police sirens approached.

The rest of that evening was awful and was hard enough to live through once so I won’t go into detail. There were two major results. One was that the security firm took over my office and Tyrese started sleeping in there. The other was that my real identity was exposed—only to the police. At first.

Of course, that was also the night that Hank called. I had to let him go to voice mail but managed to text him right away.

Sally: Can’t talk at the moment. How are you?

Hank: I’m miserable. Why can’t you talk?

Sally: The police are at my house and now I’m dealing with it. Really annoying actually. Have I ever told you that you’re the only cop I ever want to see? Don’t worry about it you have enough on your plate.

Hank: Sally. Just tell me.

Sally: It’s fine. How’s your mom?

Hank: She’s a handful. Was it Miller?

Hank: Why aren’t you answering?

Sally: There’s a lot going on. Can we talk later?

Hank: Was it Miller?

Hank: Tell me.

Sally: Yes. He got in with a gun then was pushed into the pool by my housemate’s boyfriend who had on a superman apron at the time. Very appropriate.