Page 63 of Sally Jones

Sally: I bought twelve tasers. A gate company is starting this week and I’m beefing up the fencing. My housemates all know about the stalker and have a taser. I’ll be carrying that gun you gave me after my permit comes through. Will buy more after I get a safe. He’s a nasty mouthed asshole and I’m not going anywhere. The resources he had before have been cut off so he’s on his own. I’m not going to let him hunt me. That shithead won’t be able to drive by this house easily. There’s no parking or sidewalk on the road and there’s a long driveway up to the house. I’m staying.

Hank: NO. YOU HAVE TO MOVE. We think we know who he is and he’s a fucking budding serial killer. Sally pack your shit and move NOW.


Monday morning, Ms. Margie was ready for another outing. She directed me to her favorite bakery. On the way I told her about Charley.

“I’ve raised four dogs,” she said. “Take me to see him.”

“I’d love to.”

First, we picked up her bread, and a couple of iced teas, then I drove us out to the shelter. She tottered down the aisle, slowly examining all the animals with a smile on her face.

When we got to his kennel, Charley stood up on his hind legs and waved at us, whining a little.

“A young one,” said Ms. Margie. “It’s always nice to have more time with them. And he’s old enough to be house trained.”

“Let’s take him out into the yard,” said the friendly volunteer helping us. “He’s a sweetheart, especially to women. Men he’s a little wary of.”

Ms. Margie nodded. “Smart dog.”

We went into a little fenced play area for the dogs. Charley took off, running laps, and jumping up with histongue hanging out before dashing back to the volunteer and licking her hand.

“He’s a little naughty,” said Ms. Margie.

“How can you tell?”

“She’s right,” said the grinning volunteer. “He wants to play, all the time.”

“Huh,” I said. “Is that code for he chews up the furniture?”

“He might,” said the staffer. Her name was Emily, I read on her name tag. “Would you have to leave him alone for long periods of time?”

“No,” I said. “I’d like him to go have fun with other dogs, while I’m at school. Paying for a trainer or doggie daycare wouldn’t be a problem for me.”

“You should work with him too,” said Ms. Margie. “He’d love it.”

“Yeah,” I said. “So would I.”

Charley came up to me and sniffed my shoes. When he licked my hand, I thought I’d passed some kind of test.

He let Ms. Margie scratch him behind his ears. “He’s a good dog,” she said in a cooing voice while Charley pressed his head into her hand.

After I returned Ms. Margie to her apartment, I went back to the house to meet with Hazel. I showed her the contract and we looked at the details of a few health plans.

She seemed uncomfortable in her chair. “Is something the matter?” I asked.

One of her eyes pinched shut a little. “Oh, something’s going on. I think I need to see someone.”

“Go, right now. I’ll cover the bill.”

I wasn’t feeling entirely well either but that was just the old monthly curse, my red friend coming for a visit. Luckily it would be over with by the time I flew to Vegas.

The rest of the day went by quickly. I took my application for a concealed gun permit into the sheriff’s office to pay thefee. They gave me safety pamphlets and recommended a course. I stopped by a firing range and filled out their forms then took a turn shooting a target. The little gun Hank had given me had a surprising kick.

On Tuesday I visited Charley then went to a salon and had my color redone. The stalker had seen the rich black hair, so I went for a light brown with highlights. I also shopped for hats and sunglasses to wear while walking outside on campus. As much as I missed him, at least Clint wasn’t around to lead the stalker asshole straight to my house.

Amber came over early Wednesday morning with her luggage for the flight. “Oh, my word,” she said. “I couldn’t decide what to bring so I packed too much. Girl, you don’t look ready. Don’t we need to hit the road and get up to Portland International? It’s a three-hour drive.”