Page 59 of Sally Jones

Amber gawked at me. “You don’t do drugs.”

“You know what, a girls’ trip to Disney would be a whoop. I bet Layla would love it.”

“Yeah. Thank you.”

“But this week, it’s about distracting ourselves. Hawaii would be the best, but nine hours in a plane begs for a longer vacation—and during the winter. Vegas it is.”

One side of her mouth crooked up. “Sugar mama again?”

“Ugh. Why did I ever say that? It just sounds wrong. Sugar fairy? Pack a bag, ’cause we’re leaving soon.”

“Marcus isn’t calling, is he?”

“Do you want to be one of his booty calls? Some of us, me for instance, wouldn’t mind, if the timing was right. I don’t think you’d like it.”

“Wait, would you hook up with him?”

“No, I would not. Don’t you know me better than that?”

“Dinner is ready,” Antonio called.

It was a beautiful paella filled with shellfish. There was also barbecued salmon, deep fried halibut, arugula salad, roasted corn, and fresh bread. I filled up two plates then carried them over to Clint, who was sitting on the stairs tapping his phone aggressively.

He took his plate and set it on the step behind him. “Thanks.”

“I’m gonna go sit with Amber. Wanna come?”

“Yeah, okay.” He stared down at his hands, not moving. “Sally…”

I waited. Clint was a bottler, and he needed to get the words out before we could move on with our night.

“What can I say to get you to come?”

My nose was stinging again. Once those damn tears sneak up on you, they find a way to linger. “I’m not going, hon.”

“Babe, this is tearing me up. I can’t even stay and playthird string anymore because they’ve filled that spot. I have to go to play ball.”

“And I’m staying here for all the reasons I told you.”

“Come with me. We’d figure it out.”

“No, I’m staying. Now can we go eat—”

“Damnit, Sally.” He stood up and strode up the steps away from me and into the house. The door slammed closed behind him.

I took my plate over to Amber and sat down. She handed me my wine glass. We ate the delicious food, but I hardly tasted it. Clint was leaving.

“I’m going to head home,” Amber said. “Talk tomorrow? If you’re serious about this Vegas idea let’s try to figure it out soon.”

“We’re going. I need distractions.”

“Okay. Night, sugar fairy.”

“Night, shug.”

I picked up Clint’s plate and went inside. He was lying on my bed, in his boxers, one arm over his eyes. I put his food on the little coffee table. He didn’t move as I kicked off my shoes and took off my cover-up dress. I moved onto the bed next to him in my bikini, a condom package in my hand, and wrapped a leg around his thigh.

He gasped. His face was wet. I blinked, my bottom lip quivering.