Page 57 of Sally Jones

Then I texted Hazel and invited her to come too. She was at the house at least a few times a week and I wanted her prepared.

Kate: Shit, sounds serious. I’ll be there in twenty.

Dillan: Here.

Antonio: Yes, we need to know these things.

Layla: Picking up Forest now then we’ll be there.

Hazel: Um, okay. Do you have some work for me?

Thirty minutes later we all gathered in the upstairs family room, which actually had furniture. Forest and Layla took one side of the cream sectional sofa and Antonio and Katetook the other, with Amber in the middle. Hazel sat on the floor by the fireplace. Dillan sat on the ottoman that I’d pulled to the side of the couch so they’d all be in a big U, facing me.

“These boxes,” I said, pointing behind me at the piles I’d created, “are Tasers and other weapons legal to carry in the state of Oregon. We don’t need a permit.”

The guys all sat up straighter and leaned toward the boxes. I started handing them out, one for each bedroom in the house.

“Um,” said Layla, “this, like, looks like a gun.”

“It’s a non-lethal Taser, legal to use if any of us are under threat. You have one shot. If you hit, you’ll have about thirty seconds while the probes shock.”

“Why are you handing out Tasers?” Dillan asked.

“Right, that’s why we’re meeting. There’s a shithead stalker obsessed with getting to me. He saw a photo Clint’s ex-girlfriend posted online. He knows what town I’m in and he’s violent. If y’all want to move out, I’d get it. I’m tired of running from that asshole so I’m staying here.”

Everyone was quiet for a long minute. I turned around and found one of my bags. “If you stay,” I said, “I’ve bought you defensive weapons so that everyone has a Taser, and more to hide throughout the house—Hazel, I’d like your help figuring out where to stash them.”

“Sure,” she said.

“I also have pepper spray for everyone and personal alarms.” I pulled out one of the Tasers. “This is a Taser Pulse plus Self-Defense Tool with Noonlight Integration. When you pull the trigger, it automatically calls up the police and uses your phone’s location. There’s a built-in flashlight and target laser.”

“Wicked,” said Forest, holding Layla’s Taser in his hand.

I hefted up mine. “Here’s the on switch. Like I said, it’s asingle shot Taser gun and takes a bit to reload. If that asswipe shows up at the house, I want us all to be prepared.”

“Jesus, Sally,” said Amber and put her head in her hands.

Hazel cleared her throat. “You should put one by each outside door, one in the garage, and one in the backyard. Along with a pepper spray.”

“Just don’t spray that stuff in the house,” said Kate. “If you can help it. Causes nasty eye injuries.”

Antonio hissed through his teeth. “But what is this about? Do you know nothing about this stalker?”

I closed my eyes for a moment. Talking about it was putting me right back in that damn room, chained to a bed. “He’s a domestic terrorist that wanted to kill the new governor of Texas. My ex-husband was funding his group before I stopped it and called the cops on the whole cell. One guy is left. He wants revenge.”

Dillan sucked in a breath and gawked at me, then jerked his gaze away. Well, it seemed that he knew who I was. Amber crossed her arms, her eyebrows drawn together.

“Please don’t mention this to anyone. I don’t want the media bothering us. The police say they’ve caught the rest of the terrorist cell—who blew up my parents’ house.” I swallowed, my throat tight. “I saw him once. A redhead wearing an Arizona Cardinals ball cap. He sends me messages on social media, so I know he saw that photo and has connected me to Clint.”

“But he won’t know where this house is,” said Kate.

I nodded. “None of my records should be public.”

“I’m really sorry this is happening to you, Sally,” said Hazel.

“Thank you. Oh, I’ll also be adopting a dog. Now, take your weapons, if you’re comfortable, to keep in your rooms. I’m going to open a bunch of wine and y’all help yourselftonight to any of those bottles.” I walked out of the room, over to the kitchen.

Amber came up and put her arm around me. “Dang, girl. I didn’t realize you were a national hero.”