Page 55 of Sally Jones

After that I dragged him out of my room to eat by the pool. Forest and Layla were there, grilling burgers, and it was honestly a relief to have some company. Antonio was on his phone, pacing around the far side of the pool. Dillan came out after a little while and shot hoops on the basketball court. Music was on and Forest got Clint talking about what fishing he could do in Nebraska and the football program over there.

“It’s sad he has to leave so soon,” Layla said as we stood admiring the cake Antonio had made.

“Yeah, it is. Although I wish he wouldn’t be so grumpy about it.”

“Are you going to visit him?” Layla gave me her wide-eyed look.

“I don’t know. He’s going to be hellishly busy for a while.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” She bent over and took a slice of cake. “You guys seem so close. I mean, like, comfortable with each other.”

“We are.” I sighed. “We have a history—seems like a long time ago. But please don’t mention that to anyone.”

“Oh, sure.”

“I hate having to be all secretive. It’s not the way I am normally.”

“That’s okay.” She took a bite of her cake. “I’m staying by the way.”

“Okay.” I was, perhaps selfishly, really glad. I enjoyed her company. And I wasn’t sorry that big and strong Forest would be there either. “He had red hair and pale skin. The stalker, I mean. Was wearing an Arizona Cardinal’s ball cap when I had a glimpse of him—and driving a white truck, though that’s probably changed. Tell Forest.”

She blinked at me. “Yeah, I will.”

I blew out a breath. “Hopefully they’ll catch him soon.”

“Maybe you should get a dog.” She smiled at me.

I took some cake. “Huh. You have a point there. But not a puppy.” Antonio had made a masterpiece. My fork broke into crispy layers and fluffy filling. “What do you think of Marcus? He was out the other night. My friend is a little interested in him.”

She frowned. “Well, I don’t know him that well. He’s, like, a big deal or whatever. Probably go pro soon.”

The cake was flaky and creamy, melting on my tongue with hints of caramel and coffee. I glanced at Antonio, who was watching me, and did a chef’s kiss. He smiled and went back to his pacing and intense conversation in Portuguese.

“Has he broken a few hearts?” I asked Layla.

“Oh, yeah. Marcus doesn’t, like, waste any time.”

I huffed. “Well, darn.” Maybe his busy schedule would slow him down a little.

Forest wanted to watch a new Avenger movie, so we all trooped in to check it out. What I needed to do was find more television to be interested in, for after Clint left. He had to fly out on Sunday.

Clint kept his eyes open for thirty minutes then his head was jerking back as he nodded off. I moved away from his side and he sat up, blinking at me.

I pulled him upstairs for another round of canoodlingthat turned into me taking charge so he could lie down. After a vigorous backwards cowgirl ride, I left him snoring softly and took a shower.

The next day was Saturday, and a game day. Clint woke me up very early, even for me, for some wake and wiggle.

Afterwards, he kissed my cheek and said, “See you tonight, babe.”

With Clint, there was always so much sex that I found myself rather mellow. I dozed off for a while after he left. It still didn’t seem totally real that he’d be gone soon and I’d be alone with a violent stalker obsessed with finding me, to rape and kill.

Amber texted later that morning as I was trying out a green smoothie Antonio had made for breakfast. It contained spinach and pineapple—not horrible at all.

Amber: I had a really good night. Shop with me? I’m looking for cute.

Sally: I’m there. We’ll make a pit stop at a gun store or two.

Amber: Gun store? Um…