Page 49 of Sally Jones

“It hasn’t even been a week, Clint,” Blakely said. “Have some fucking respect.”

I cut across the lawn next to the patio and out to the street in front of the building. My phone said the ride was a minute away.

“No,” Blakely shouted. “I love you. I was ready to move to Nebraska for you. Who the hell is that slut? There was a guy all over her three days ago. She made her roommates sign an NDA, like that isn’t creepy. Clint, what the fuck?”

Clint mumbled something I couldn’t hear. I bit one of my knuckles, staring at the road.

“You know what, no, it’s not okay,” Blakely said.

My ride pulled up. I jumped in that car so fast it was like the sidewalk had turned to lava.

The driver zipped around in a U-turn and I had a glimpse of Clint standing with a hand over his face while Blakely chewed him out. I closed my eyes and put my head back against the seat.

The house was fairly quiet when I got back. Dillan’s car was there but not Kate’s. I let myself in through the front door then wandered into the kitchen to drink water. Faintly, I could hear what sounded like video-game explosions and music coming from downstairs.

The Clint situation was like a bag of bricks on my chest, dragging me down. He was so familiar and comfortable to be with, almost as good as being home. I went into my bedroom and changed into soft pajamas, put on my robe, and cleaned my face. Then I made myself a cup of tea in the kitchen and took it to the new couch in the family room to drink while I flipped through a magazine.

A text alert popped up on my phone.

Amber: I’m on my way home. He asked for my number and we kissed.

Sally: Score.

Amber: Do you think he’ll call me?

Sally: Hang on while I grab my fortune telling ball…It says the forecast is cloudy.

Amber: He’s hot.

Sally: Don’t forget he’s a baller. Clint admitted they were both hiding from ex-girlfriends.

Amber: Ugh. Are you trying to ruin my buzz?

Sally: Hey I’m working on BF status here. Just doing my job, ma’am.

Amber: Fine. I can’t believe you went home at nine.

Sally: It’s Wednesday. I’ll push it to ten on a weekend.

Amber: Clint disappeared too. Wait, is he with you?

Sally: His ex showed up and caught us kissing in front of that club. She took pics then yelled at him. I ran away.

Amber: Oh crap. What are you going to do?

Sally: I don’t know. Nothing.

Amber: Shoot. Sorry. You okay?

Sally: Yeah.

Amber: You’re tough.

Sally: What doesn’t kill you…

Amber: I hope Marcus did a better job breaking things off.

Sally: Clint couldn’t have done a worse job.