Page 45 of Sally Jones

He stepped in closer, bending over to take my hand. His other hand slid down my back. There it was, the touching. My heart rate picked up. “Just come out tonight.”

“I’ll be out with Amber for a little while. I’m still an early bird so I won’t last long.”

He leaned in and brushed a kiss on my mouth. I stood there, a little paralyzed—it felt as natural as breathing for Clint to peck me on the mouth.

His lips quirked up. “I’ll see you tonight.” He walked backwards, holding on to my hand until the last second. Then he turned and walked back to the river.

I got into the too warm car and put my head down on the steering wheel. “That man is too much.”

“Turn on the dang car.” Amber aimed the air-conditioning at her face and sighed. “Okay,” she said. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“There’s somebody else.” I slouched in my seat.

“You mean Javier?”

“No,” I said, guiltily. “Hank, in Austin.”

Amber raised her eyebrows. “Hank? Really? You still have a crush on him after all these years?”

“No, it’s more than that. We’d just started getting involved when I had to leave. He wanted to do the long-distance thing. I was torn—but didn’t know when we’d even be able to see each other again—and I guess I wasn’t ready. Then I met Javier on the drive up here. Hank stopped talking to me when I told him about it.”

“Dang.” She took a brush out of one of her bags and started fixing her hair in the mirror. “So, he still isn’t talking to you?”

“He texted me last Sunday. Finally.”

“You know what? You have too many damn men.”

I sat up straighter. “Hey, when it rains it pours. And you asked.”

She huffed. “Can you, like, share the bounty?”

“No.” I smiled. “Not at the same time anyway.”

“What about Peter? Do you think I could sleep with him?”

I cocked my head. “Yeah, maybe you could. But”—I held up a finger—“I’m not sure it’s a great idea.”

She crossed her arms. “That’s just greedy.”

I chuckled. “No, not like that. I’m worried he isn’t right for you. Go for it if it happens and you’re feeling it.”

“Come on, tell. What makes you say I shouldn’t?”

“I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. It’s a feeling I have about him. He’s detached. Might have some out-there kinks. Be disappointing because he’s not excited easily.”

“Huh.” She leaned back in her seat. “That’s a little complicated for me.”

“Yeah, me too.” Too similar to my ex-husband.

“All right, tell me then. Who should I go for?”

“Not sure, shug. But we’ll know when you meet him.”

She pointed her index finger at me. “I might get drunk tonight.”

“Ha. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Amberand I ate out at the best Thai restaurant in the city, located in the downtown core. There was live music and really pretty cocktails. My drink—a blend of cucumber, basil, rum, banana peppers and jalapeños—was citron colored, and garnished with lime and a purple pepper.