Page 41 of Sally Jones

“Mm hm. How’s his ex? Are you close with her?”

Layla raised her eyebrows. “No. I don’t really know her, but Naomi says she’s taking it hard.”

That sounded like they hadn’t gotten back together. I swirled my wine around in my glass and had to stop myself from spilling out my history with Clint. Hiding who I was meant biting my tongue really often.

“Well,” I said, “we’ll have some fun tomorrow. I’m gonna try to get my friend Amber out too. She broke it off with her guy last weekend and could use a good bar night.”

I was still sore from a hedonistic weekend with Javier. And Hank was finally texting me again. What was I going to do with Clint?


“Wanna play hooky and come have some fun with me today?” I asked Amber Wednesday morning on the phone.

She blew out a breath. “I do—but then I’ll feel really guilty about it…”

“Good grief, shug,” I said. “It’s the end of the summer and a beautiful day.”

“All right, fine. You’re a bad influence, Sally Jones.”

I went shopping for water shoes and ended up picking up a pair for Amber and Layla. After that I stopped by the facility where my assigned senior lived, with a big bouquet of flowers.

“Hi,” I said when the door finally opened. “Are you Ms. Margie? I’m Sally, a volunteer from Senior Services. I called you yesterday and this morning to let you know I was coming by.”

“Oh, come in, Sally. Nice to meet you, dear.”

Margie was the sweetest lady ever. She wore bright red lipstick and a dimpled smile. It seemed like I’d hit the senior jackpot with such a friendly and charming lady. I’d learned,in my training, not to expect my new friend to remember things all the time so I kept that in mind as we chatted.

“Ms. Margie, it’s been a real pleasure meeting you today. I have to get going but when can I stop in for another chat this week?”

We agreed on Friday morning. I left my name and cell number with a little photo of me then said goodbye. I bustled out of the senior-housing condo smiling, and thinking about what I could do for Margie.

I’d shied away from any of the truly challenging volunteer work. Hank would shake his head at me and then dive right into it. I sighed. One step at a time, and maybe I could figure out how to be a better person—and what the hell I was going to do with my life.

Amber bustled in with a couple of packed bags, wearing high-tech hiking gear. “Let’s go to the woods,” she said.

“I think we just park and jump in the river.”

“Mosquitos are not my friends, and that river is probably too cold.”

I opened my eyes big. “You’re right. These northerners would swim in cold water. Come on, let’s eat and build up our strength.”

“You sure you don’t want to hang out by the pool today?”

I waved my hand around. “I bought the water shoes. We’ll grab some sandwiches and go.”

Layla and Forest had left earlier, after I’d delivered her water shoes. Amber and I loaded up my car, still the rental hybrid SUV, and headed east, into the evergreen forests of the Cascade Mountains.

“How are you doing?” Amber said after she’d finished her sandwich. “Your guy had to leave a day early. Down to Mexico, right? What are you guys going to do?”

I cocked my head, not sure how to explain it. “We never had a defined relationship, just a whole lot of chemistry.”

“Oh. So, you weren’t hoping for something more?”

I pursed my lips. “I don’t know. He surprised me with how affectionate and sweet he is, and we get along really well. But he isn’t monogamous. I’m not sure I am either—but I think I want to be. Eventually.”

She gave a soft whistle. “That is so different than the way I think.”

“Yeah.” I tapped the steering wheel a couple times.