Page 38 of Sally Jones

Layla walked up to us, a wine glass in her hand. Forest was at the register paying for a couple of bottles.

“What do you think?” I asked. “Do you like anything yet?”

“You know what, it’s all growing on me. But the bubbly pink stuff, the rosé, is my favorite.”

“At the last winery—yes, loved it. Where are Naomi and Gemma?”

“Outside. They’re feeling a little sick. I think they skipped breakfast or something.”

“Ahh, poor things. We’ll feed them up at the next stop.”

Kate said she had to use the restroom and walked off.

Layla stared at me over the rim of her glass as she took another sip. “Clint broke up with Blakely last night. We had to stop her from smashing up your house.”

My face scrunched up. “Oh no—that would have been a bad scene. Clint shouldn’t have sprung it on her like that.”

Layla nodded. “We showed her you kissing Javier to prove you weren’t with Clint. She finally left, crying so hard someone had to drive her home.”

I winced. “Poor girl.”

“She was trying to force it and Clint just went with the flow, you know what I mean? Anyway, he’s probably headed for Nebraska, because they need a starter out there and he’s tired of sitting on the bench here.”

“Really, wow. Somebody must have gotten injured for it to happen so late.”

“Yeah, it was something like that. If not Nebraska, he’s looking around.”

I nodded. Layla was turning out to be a pretty solid friend to have around. “I bought a case of that rosé. I’ll open a bottle the next time your dating show is on—you got me hooked.”

On the bus ride to the next winery, Javier and Antonio started singing before the pop music was turned on. I smiled and watched Javier, who had an impressive voice. He took my hand and sang something about amor, his other hand over his heart while he stared into my eyes. The bus erupted into applause.

At the next winery we sat down at a big outdoor table under a pergola covered in blooming vines. I had Amber on one side of me and Javier on the other.

“What do you think of Rubin?” I managed to ask her before Rubin and Dillan were at the table.

“He’s a flirt,” she said, smiling. “I’m having fun, but…not convinced there’s anything there. That’s okay. I needed a rebound flirt.”

Javier was very affectionate. He leaned in for light kisses, held my hand under the table, and played footsie. Part of me, tipsy and flushed, wondered why I was holding back. Javier and I had something…

Most of the women stood up together, like our bladders were all on the same clock. We walked to the bathrooms, giggling, Amber and I with our arms around each other’s backs.

I sat on a chair by the bathrooms, to wait my turn, and pulled out my phone. I still carried around the little burner phone as well. On a whim, I glanced at it and saw a new notification. There was a text from Hank.


Itook a deep breath and looked at what he had to say.

Hank: I’m still upset but there’s a need for us to communicate.

Hank: The terrorists cell is broken up with two people arrested. I can’t say much. There’s still one rogue. The guy that followed us. He’s hiding but we will find him. Be careful.

Sally: Thank you for texting me. I miss you. I thought I wasn’t ever going to hear from you again. How’s your mom doing?

Sally: I’m being careful. Haven’t even called my mama. Bought that house I showed you and am getting it set up.

Hank: My mother is struggling. In rehab after leaving the hospital. We’re scrambling to find a better care situation for her. Drove past your parents’ house today and it’s looking good. They aren’t back there yet.

Sally: You opened the floodgates so you’re gonna hear from me now. I’ll text again soon. XX