Page 25 of Sally Jones

“Sorry, hon,” I said. “Would a giant unicorn floatie for the pool make you feel better?”

She smiled a little. “I’ll survive.”

Her boyfriend seemed relieved. More than a couple of inches past six feet, he was stocky and attractive, and resembled that actor Anthony Anderson, the guy who plays the dad onBlack-ish, right down to the gapped front teeth. Except Layla’s boyfriend, who’s named Forest, was a young and fit athlete. He was a little shy, and devoted to her, which I liked.

“Barbecue on Saturday,” I shouted at Antonio as I speed walked by.

He started cursing in Portuguese, words that were becoming familiar.

“It’s fine,” I called on my next pass of the kitchen. “The grill will be here tomorrow.” I didn’t stick around to argue with him, headed toward a knock at the door.

“Hey,” said the burly woman on my doorstep. “I’m Rosie. You’re Sally?”

“Yes, come in. Very happy to meet you. I have a long list and I promise I won’t argue about the price if you can find some time to help me set up this house.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Rosie came in, a big tool belt hanging off her hips. Her muscles filled out her tight button-up top and her short hair was slicked back in waves with a deep side parting. “Smells good in here,” she said referring to the aroma coming out of Antonio’s kitchen.

“I’ll feed you, if you work for me.”

She cocked an eyebrow at me. “Aren’t you a little young for a house like this?”

I gave her my Texas smile. “This house and I are gonnaget along just fine. Any chance you have an hour for me today?”

Rosie glanced at an enormous smartwatch. “Sure. And I’ll have more time on Friday.”

I took her straight downstairs to the burgeoning entertainment center of the house. She got a giant television mounted up on the wall in under an hour. Despite her sharp questions, I was a Rosie fan.

That night I finally made plans to meet up with my good friend, Amber Brown. Since it looked like Antonio was making enough chicken and rice for a small army, I called her up to invite her over to see my house and have dinner.

“You have a house?” she asked in a flat voice on the phone.

“I do. There’s a lot to tell you about—but I’d rather not air it all in front of my new housemates. Okay?”

“Well, holy hickory, girl. Tell me something now, so I’m not burning up with questions the whole time.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay. First of all, please don’t mention me on social media or to anyone—especially back home. I have a stalker after me and I’m actually hiding out from that piece of shit.”

“Oh no, Sally. That’s horrible…”

“Yeah, it is. I was married for the last few years but it didn’t work out. He died actually. Horribly. I’m still processing—glad to be in a new place.”

“What? Condolences. That’s so sad.”

I closed my eyes, my throat tight. Josh. There was a caduceus of confused hissing snakes inside me, all wrapped up with mourning him and relief that I’d gotten away.

I took a deep breath. “I’ve inherited some money. Again, Amber, please don’t say anything about me. I know my story’s a juicy one but I’m betting I can trust you to help keep me safe from the stalker.”

“Well, yes you can, girl. Married? Last time we talked, you were dating that big football player. Did you marry him?”

“No, not him. I married an older guy I’d been dating over the summer when I was nineteen. For a last fun vacation, he took me to Vegas. I got really drunk and woke up married. Craziest night of my life.”

She tsk-tsked into the phone. “You always were a thrill seeker. Wow.”

I bit my tongue—Amber didn’t hold back with her opinions. Fair enough. But I wanted to focus on the here and now. “Come see the house and meet my crew over here. I can’t wait to see you. My hair’s dark now, and cut in a bob, by the way. Are you gonna bring that sweetie you’ve been telling me about?”

“Zach? No, not tonight. He’s working at the hospital. All right, girl, I’m on my way. After I digest all this information. Dark hair? I don’t know if I’ll recognize you. What can I bring?”

“Just yourself. And all kinds of advice about this town. I know you’ll have the goods for me.”