Page 21 of Sally Jones

He stepped closer and my cheeks heated. “Is that because you don’t like drama between housemates?”

I fanned my face. “It puts me off my meals. My goodness, you don’t know what you’re in for with those college girls. Maybe you should grow an ugly beard or something.”

“I like you,” he said into my ear, one of his hands touching my lower back. “We’re at the same hotel, I saw you this morning. I’ll be drinking wine tonight in the bar, around eight o’clock.”

I took a deep breath. “I might run into you there.”

He stepped away. “All right, good luck with your crew here. I’d like to try Antonio’s cooking sometime.” He left, strolling through the side yard, seemingly unaffected by not getting a room. Had he really wanted one? I doubted it. Experience-shopping more likely.

“Hey,” someone called from the side gate. “Can I come in? I’m here about the housekeeping job?”

“Come on in,” I shouted back, happily. The house was a little grubby from standing empty for so long. I was already turning over ideas in my head of how I could move in sooner—could I find a reasonably comfortable temporary bed?

A punk rocker walked into the backyard, her chin-length hair a rainbow of colors and sticking out like she’d stuck her finger in a light socket. “Hi,” she said, with a cheerful wave and a shy smile. “I’m Hazel, but everyone calls me Haze. I like your pool.”

“Hi, thanks for coming over here. I’m glad you got my message at a good time. How soon can you start for a trial day? Do you need supplies?”

“Today, actually. One of my clients dropped me this morning. I’ll charge you for my products, if you don’t mind. I only use organic shit.”

“Great. Start in the main bedroom upstairs please. Then move on to the big kitchen. Venmo or PayPal okay?”

She shrugged. “I can do those, but I prefer cash.”

“I’ll do cash next time.”

“All right, I’ll get started. I’ll start the timer on my phone now.” She gave a friendly wave to everyone in general, whowere all staring at her out of the corners of their eyes, then hustled out toward the front of the house.

“Yay,” I said, looking down at my phone to find local handy type people.

“Uh, Sally,” said Dillan, suddenly next to me.

“Oh, hey,” I said, my head jerking up. “What do you think, Dillan?”

“I like it. I have a question though, can I take down some of the mirrors in the middle bedroom? I think the other rooms are taken.”


“Okay, I may do that, if I have time. I’m in the architecture program. It’s a little intense.”

I bet it was. “Well, if you can stand to live in this strange hodgepodge house, you’re in.”

He smiled a little. “It is an interesting custom-build. I like this backyard.”

“Well, hold on cause this backyard is about to get a whole lot better. Come on by tomorrow if you’re ready.”

“I will, thank you.” He wandered off.

I checked on my phone and saw that Kate had already sent over payment and the signed contract. Preemptive of her and yet efficient. I gave them a key and went upstairs to check on Hazel. Or Haze—except that wasn’t really a name, was it?

“Hey,” I said to her, just skipping using a name altogether. “I’m off to shop. It’s four now—do you like to work late or would you rather come back tomorrow?”

“I work late, I should have mentioned. I’m a total night owl.”

“Okay, can I pick up some dinner for you?”

She enthusiastically took me up on the offer then gave me a shopping list of dietary restrictions. There were in fact few restaurants she was willing to eat at and so I had her call inher order and paid to have it delivered. Then I went ahead and ordered a bunch of other food the app was recommending and told Kate I had food arriving for everyone in an hour. I didn’t want to get into it with Antonio.

Back in the rental, I checked the burner phone for a message from Hank. I’d bought a new iPhone during my road trip but would keep the burner as well—because that was the only number Hank had. There were a bunch of messages and I held my breath, flipping open the phone. They were all from an unknown number.