Page 88 of Losing Control

Scott pulled out his cell. “Let me check with Clark to see how close my people are.”

“He held her somewhere else before killing her,” Gaylen went on. “Probably some isolated building. We just need to find out where. I’ve got one of the deputies back at the office pulling up property lists and any other list they can find that would give us some kind of hint.”

“Maybe I should ask for the chopper,” Scott put in. “It’s dark now, but if you can give me any locations to start with, I can get the bird up at first light. If this guy’s got a hidey hole somewhere, who knows what else we’ll find there. Especially if it ties in with the other thing I told you about.”

“Do it,” Cole said.

As he moved slowly toward where the body lay, he heard Scott giving information to someone and putting in his request.

Chapter Thirty-One

He managed to get home and into the house without any questions. He was careful about the excuses he used and always meticulous about cleaning himself up before he left his cabin.

Tonight had been the trickiest, but luckily, it was dark out and no one was looking out their windows. He laughed thinking of the irony of tonight’s delivery. For years, folks had complained about how dark it was on that street. Hell, he’d been one of the people to lobby the city council to put in a light at the end of the block. Now, he was glad they’d dragged their heels.

His own house was quiet, the only light coming from the bedroom. He’d make himself known, report on his nonexistent meeting, then help himself to a beer. Lord knew he needed one.

But as he made his way back to the kitchen and took a bottle from the fridge, a new rush of excitement coursed through him. Tomorrow would be his finest hour. Tomorrow his prize would be Dana Moretti. Little Carrie Nolan herself.

And once he had her, there would be no rushing. He intended to take a great deal of time with his little flower. No quick session in the truck with her. Like Leanne and Shannon. Oh, no. He’d bring her to the cabin where he could take his time with her. He was going to enjoy himself, and he’d make certain she did, too.

Twenty-five years ago, she hadn’t cried out like the others. She’d been quiet, defiant, beautiful. Tomorrow, he would make her cry out in all kinds of ways. He was damn hard thinking about how she’d scream and yell. Maybe, if she was really good, he’d take the tape off her mouth and let her beg.

The idea of his little Carrie begging him to stop hurting her almost made him come, and he had to grab hold of the counter to hold himself together.

Oh, he wanted her. Wanted her like he’d never wanted her when she was just a little bloom. Now, she was a full blossom, a flower that had matured just for his pleasure. He could hardly wait to see her again face to face. To watch her eyes grow wide with knowledge and fear when his hands wrapped around her throat and his thumbs squeezed the life from her.

At last, he would finish the job he’d left undone twenty-five years ago.

Chapter Thirty-Two

The scene near Gaby’s house was organized chaos. The FBI agents had finally arrived and two men in dark blue FBI issued coveralls immediately went about their job with neat efficiency. Additional lights illuminated every area of the scene. In the center of it all was Gaby’s broken body. Blood-stained and bruised, it bore the signs of unbelievable sexual torture. Like the others, she’d been arranged with her head at an angle to show her broken neck.

Cole walked off into the shadows, pulled out his phone, and made the call he’d been putting off.

“We found Gaby,” he told Dana when she answered, not knowing any way to soften the news. He heard the hiss of an indrawn breath.

“Please tell me she was still alive.”

“I wish I could, darlin’. I wish I could.”

“Oh, Cole.” He could hear the tears in her voice. “I am so very, very sorry. How is her family taking it?”

“She doesn’t have much family,” he told her. “Her parents are both dead. They were killed in an auto accident a few years ago. No sisters or brothers. All she has is Grace and her uncle. And her friend Stacy, who found her.”

“Oh, my God.” Dana’s voice trembled. “How did that happen?”

Cole explained about the phone call, telling her how the perp had lured Stacy over to the house. “Nita called an ambulance for her, and she’s in the hospital, heavily sedated, under the watchful eye of her distraught husband and Barry Engler, Nita’s clinic partner.”

“That poor woman. Both of them.” She paused. “Are you still there? At the scene?”

“Yes. I wanted to let you know what happened and tell you again to be sure every door and window in the house is locked. Do not go out unless it’s with me or one of my deputies. Or someone I call you about.”

“I can promise you that. Believe me.”

“I’ll cut someone loose as soon as I can. I promise.”

“I’m fine. Really. They all have more important things to do right now, and I don’t plan to go anywhere.”