Page 71 of Losing Control

A call back to Tony and the meeting was set. God, he hoped nothing happened to fuck things up.

At home, acting as if everything were normal was extremely difficult. He ate his dinner without tasting any of it, finally making the excuse that he had to run an errand and bolted from the house.

At the usual delivery spot, he paced impatiently, waiting for Tony and the buyer to show. The buyer drove up first, smiling and jovial, excited at the cargo he was about to receive. He opened his briefcase to reveal the money neatly stacked inside. The two men leaned against the truck until a van approached.

Tony climbed out and beamed at them. “I’ve got ten of the choicest pieces of merchandise you could ever hope to set your eyes on.”

“That’s what you always say.” The buyer laughed good-naturedly.

“Yeah, well, don’t take my word for it,” Tony said. “Take a look for yourself. These are the freshest yet.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them as he wiggled his eyebrows. “They will give much pleasure.”

The exchange was made, money changed hands, and the buyer drove off excited and happy.

“Here’s what I got for you, old man,” Tony said, sliding open the door of the van again. “Ten years old. You’ll love her.”

The girl was tiny, almost like his little flowers had been. She had delicate features and long black hair. Her hands were tied behind her back, her ankles were bound, and tape sealed her mouth. Above the tape, her huge dark eyes were wild with fear.

He couldn’t help salivating. This would more than satisfy his need tonight. And it would prepare him nicely for tomorrow’s adventure. He paid Tony his bonus, lifted the girl into his arms, and carried her to his truck, crooning to her all the while.

“We’re going to have fun, little girl. You and me. A lot of fun. I promise.”

Pulling away from where he was parked, he began singing his little song.

“There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, And when she was bad she was a tasty treat.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Cole had retrieved his watch from his bedroom and set the alarm on it before falling asleep last night. He was sure Dana would still be sleeping when it went off, but he was alone in the bed. Big surprise. If she thought she was going to pretend nothing had happened, she was fooling herself. Then he heard the shower running and relaxed fractionally.

In a moment, the shower turned off, and the bathroom door opened. She stood in a cloud of steam, wrapped in one of his big towels, and his cock immediately stood up and demanded attention.

“Oh!” The combination of surprise and embarrassment was appealing.

“Good mornin’,” he drawled. “You’re up early. And here I worried the alarm would wake you.”

“I’m…an early riser.”

He studied her face and the line of her body. “Sleep good?”

“Yes. I did.” She stood in the doorway, as if waiting for some signal from him. He pushed the covers back and crooked his finger at her. “Come here and let me give you a morning hug.”

Could her steps have been any more tentative? But she came to him, just the same, and he felt as if he’d won the jackpot. She lay down next to him, still wrapped in the towel, and he pulled her into him. His hand wandered over her, idly loosening the towel until he touched smooth flesh.

“Dana.” He cupped her breasts before letting his hand wander to her tummy. “Whatever’s in your past, I think we opened a door between us last night. It was wonderful. Beyond wonderful. And it was more than just medicinal sex so get that thought out of your head.”


“But nothing.” He kissed her shoulder. “It was incredible. If I had time now, we’d do it again.”

He was painfully aware of the fact that his raging hard-on was poking her in the ass.

And that she’d tensed.

He soothed her with a trail of kisses down her arm and felt her relax. Nice. He’d better get this killer caught soon so they could get on with this because he wanted to spend a lot of years with her. If he could just gentle her. She reminded him of a skittish colt.

“Whatever you’re about to say, save it for another time. We have something here, Dana. Right now, life’s getting in the way, but nobody’s ever hit me the way you have. And it isn’t just the physical stuff. Far from it.”
